The three "What" Skills are
1) Observe 2) Describe 3) Participate
Name two of our DBT group rules
Information from session is confidential
Don't come to session drunk or high
If you miss more than 5 groups, you have dropped out
Do not discuss risk behaviors with peers
No cliques or dating relationships
No disrespect or mean behavior toward others
Define Validation
Communicating to someone else that their thoughts, emotions, behaviors in a given situation make sense or are valuable
The two types of mindfulness skills are:
"What" Skills and "How" Skills
What is biosocial theory?
Bio: emotional sensitivity, emotional reactivity, slow return to baseline
Social: environmental invalidation
* balancing both sides * no one person is wrong or right * the middle path * compromise * all perspectives are valid and considered * flexible thinking
What is a dialectic?
Two opposing ideas that can exist together and create a new truth
What are the four skills modules of DBT?
Mindfulness Distress Tolerance Emotion Regulation Interpersonal Effectiveness
Name THREE types of mindfulness practices we have practiced when opening group
* Progressive Muscle Relaxation * Drawing * Mindful Games * Gratitude Mindfulness * Watching Videos * 5 Senses Mindfulness * Short Body Scan * Scavenger Hunt * Bell Sound Mindfulness * Awareness of Breath
DBT will help me...
build a life worth living
tolerate painful emotions
become more mindful
improve my relationships etc!
What is the fundamental dialectic in DBT? Balancing ________ and _________