Principles of Development
Family types and Family life cycle

Zack and Natalie are cousins born two months apart.  Although Zack is older, Natalie began to sit and stand about the same time Zack did.  This has been slightly puzzling to Zack’s parents.  They are worried about Zack’s apparently slow rate of development.

Development proceeds at an individual rate. 


The study of a child from conception to adolescence. 

Child development 


What does P.I.E.S stand for?

Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social


This theorist believed that children are experts. She encourages child-driven learning. For example: using a checklist, but allowing children to decide which order they want to accomplish the tasks on the list and how long to spend on each task.

Maria Montessori


Two or more people living in the same household.



Studies of different cultures have found that children around the world hit language milestones in a similar order. Infants coo before they babble, and babies say their first word around 12 months old. 

Development is similar for everyone. 


The ability ability of a child to do things that are complex and difficult. 



Development including physical growth and muscular development. For example: learning to skip.

Physical development.


This theorist believed in the idea of classical conditioning - where children are taught to respond to an unrelated factor. For example: When we hear the CCHS song, we know it is time to get to class, so we aren't tardy.

Ivan Pavlov


Husband and wife, of whom one or both have been married before. Includes children from one or more previous marriages.

Blended family


Maliki loved music. He would often listen and dance to all types of music as a baby. As soon as he said his first word, he was also singing. Choir was his favorite class in elementary school. In middle school, the teacher began to divide the students into groups and have them sing different parts. Maliki was surprised by how easy this was for him to learn, but his teacher told him that singing and listening to music so much helps him to learn new music skills quickly. 

Development builds on earlier learning. 


Development including physical growth and muscular development. 

Physical development 


How a child feels and expresses feelings about themselves and others. For example: seeing that someone is sad and giving them a hug.

Emotional development


This theorist believed in operant conditioning, where children receive positive rewards or negative consequences, based on behaviors they show. For example: CCHS gives Colonel $ when students do things that they should be doing.

B.F. Skinner


Several generations of one family who live together and share a home and family activities.

Extended family


Monica is a 7th grader who easily becomes upset when she is frustrated. Today, during math class, she was struggling to understand the new concept. Instead of slamming her book shut and refusing to work, she asked the teacher to give her a little extra help. She was proud of herself for learning something new - how to control her emotional response. 

Development is continuous throughout life. 


Fine motor skills use these muscles. 

Small muscles


How children interact and get along with each other. For example: learning to share.

Social development


This theorist created a triangle to show a hierarchy of needs. He believed that the top could not be reached, without first meeting all of the basic needs. For example: children do not focus and learn well when they are hungry.

Abraham Maslow


During this stage of the family life cycle, couples have 1 or more children and adjust to being parents.



Lucy had a busy day with her toddler, Ben. They went to the splash park, played hide and seek, and read books. Lucy was surprised that Ben was moody while she was trying to dance with him - this was usually one of his favorite activities. A quick look at her watch reminded her that it was past his usual lunch time. After getting them both something to eat, Ben was back to his normal, happy self. 

Development is interrelated. 


These motor skills are used for swimming. 

Gross motor skills


Development that involves your cognitive awareness. For example: learning to write your name.

Intellectual development


This theorist believed that there are 8 stages of development. At each stage, children must solve a conflict, before moving to the next stage. For example: an infant learns to trust parents because they feed him when he cries.

Erik Erikson


During this stage of the family life cycle, parents start to relate to their children as adults.

