I should know that
Really Hanadel?
I should have studied

What are the two types of Geologist?

Physical Geologist and Historical Geologist


The distance east and west of the prime meridian



What does the word "geo" Mean.

Double points

Earth derived from the Greek Language 


What are the two terms used to describe absolute location 

Minutes and Seconds


Projection 1

Grid line projection. Allows overlaping grids to be placed over a projection showing for equal area based off of the grid lines. Longitude and latitude lines can be used. Used to compare size 

limitation: inacurate away from grid lines. Where land and water meet. 


What is the "Rule of Four."

Observation, Inference, Predication, Use of Scientific Attitudes.


The measurement of longitude and latitude



What is Oceanography 

The study of oceans and all life and ecosystems in the ocean. 


Helps civilians determine location and find direction, high use in cellphones and cars.

Global Positioning system 


Projection 2


Most accurate representation of Earth, Three dimentional projection. 

Limitation: should not be used for direction. 


What are the four Spheres of Earth Science 

Hydrophere, Athmosphere, Geophere, Biosphere. 


A map that shows the type and age of exposed rocks.

Geologic Map 


What did humans create to view and understand the Earth

Maps/ Projections 


What is the difference between scientific Law and Scientific Theory. 

A scientific theory explains why a phenomenon occurs, while a scientific law describes what happens under certain conditions, essentially stating an observed pattern without necessarily explaining the underlying cause; a theory is a more comprehensive explanation, while a law is a concise statement about observable behavior


Projection 3

Robinson Projection

Used for navigation from space. Developed during the cold war, used by NASA. Very acurate in showing the shapes of the continents and where land and water meet. 

Limitation: Major distorition around the border and poles. 


What are the scientific attitudes

Honesty, Curiosity, skeptisism, Creative, OPen mindset. 


The distance north and south of the equator



What are two types of Earth Forces? Provide an Example for Each 

Constructive forces- Volcanoes

Desructive forces- Weathering and Erosion. 


Video and microwaves to find and see water, land, fires, pollution, natural resources and almost anything that is desired by researchers.

Remote Sensing


Projection 4

Topographical Map

Used to show the change in elevation, helps infulstructure, city planning and builing projects.

Limitation: Must have a key and a scale, The larger the area shown on the projection the more complicated the map becomes. So having a topographical map should project a managable size to be as accurate as possible. 


What are the six map projections discussed in class

Mercator map, Grid line projection, conic projection, Gnomic projection, topographical map, peters projection, geologic map. 


Describe the imporatnce of the Athmosphere. 

The layers of gas that surround our planet reach more than 100 kilometers above the surface of the Earth ( ~62 miles) Shickshinny to Stroudsburg.

-90% of our Atmosphere is located 16 kilometers (~10 miles) from the surface of our planet.

Why we need it:

1.Air we Breathe

2.Protect from Sun’s UV Radiation.

3.Produces Weather and Climate

4.Regenerates the Earth’s other Spheres.


Why was the Peters Projection Created

Arno Peters a German Nationalist, understood the propaganda and distribution of power from the time he was a young child. As he fled from East Berlin he moved to California, USA. When working for the movie industry he questioned the realities around him and the messages being presented. The development of his projection was a part of a larger cooperative group of cartogriphers and historians. The skewed projections of the past have been updated to give an accurate area map of the world. Where the true size of the Earth is represented and the ideals of the Age of exploration and Conquest can be overriden by the inportance of all people not just from the Northern Hemisphere, but from lands around the Equator and the Tropic lines.  Studnet answers may vary, though the development of the changing projections based on area and true size and the connections of the human importance and Equalities of humanities. 


What is the Process of Scientific Inquery. 




Collect Data

Analysis/ draw conclusions

Communicate Results 


Projection 5

Mercator Map:

Developed by Geradus Mercator in 1569 for the country of England during the age of Exploration and Conquest. Developed for the King for faster traiding routes. Great for Direction and location 

Limitation : Distorts the shape of the continents, Some Size issues in the Northern Hemishpere, and distance between Oceans. 
