What is the name of the time period that came before the Common Era (CE)?
Before Common Era (BCE)
How many years in a century?
According to the Out of Africa theory, where did modern humans originate?
Define 'history'
The study of the past
Primary or Secondary? A podcast about Ancient Rome
What is a timeline used for?
To show events in chronological order
The Roman Empire fell in 476 CE, what century is this?
5th century CE
What is the study of ancient civilizations through their artefacts and remains?
Define 'millennium'
a period of 1000 years
What type of historical source is a painting or sculpture?
Artefact or Visual source
What does AD stand for? (Latin words!)
Anno Domini (In the Year of the Lord)
If a historical event occurred in the 15th century, what could be a possible year for it?
Any year between 1401 and 1500
What is the method of dating objects based on the layers of sediment in which they are found?
Define 'artefact'
The physical remains of the past altered/made by humans
Which type of source is a diary entry?
Primary, Written source
Which date happened first: 500 BCE or 100 BCE?
500 BCE
If an event happened in the year 1327, what century was it in?
14th century
What is the process of digging up and examining ancient artifacts?
Define 'age'
A period of time named for common feature of that time
What is a primary source?
A source made in the SAME time as the event being studied
Put the following dates in chronological order:1776 CE, 1234 BCE, 1945 CE, 123 CE, 567 BCE
1234 BCE, 567 BCE, 123 CE, 1776 CE, 1945 CE
17BC is in what century?
1st century BC
Explain why Radiocarbon dating is a form of absolute dating
It's method that provides objective age estimates for carbon-based materials that originated from living organisms. Once the organism dies, the level of Carbon 14 decreases at a steady rate and scientists measure how much carbon-14remains.
Define 'oral tradition'
Define fact and opinion. Explain how we deal with both in history.
A fact is a statement that can be proven true or false. An opinion is a personal belief or judgment. Though history tries to reach facts, historians have different interpretations which is affected by their opinions and biases.