What solution does Peter Singer propose to mitigate the problem of global warming?
Emissions trading/Cap and trade/Carbon pricing
According to John Rawls, what is the fictional condition under which standards for justice (and injustice) may be understood?
The veil of ignorance
What institution, established at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, was designed to promote a stable international monetary system by promoting stable exchange rates, prevent competitive devaluations, and by serving as the lender of last resort for countries in difficulty by providing short term loans.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Name two of the defects in the international system as described by William Nordhaus.
- States are in a prisoner’s dilemma in which “actors have incentives to make themselves better off at the expense of other parties”
- Agreements are toothless
- Collective action is uncoordinated
- Presence of free riders (when a party receives the benefits of a public good without contributing to the costs.)
What are the three defining characteristics of colonies that we discussed in class?
What is the concept conveys team-to-team interaction in which the individuals of each team are in charge of a limited range of functions, and can only make moves after bargaining?
Bureaucratic politics model
What was the name of the article in the United Nations Charter that contradicted the Responsibility to Protect?
UN Charter Article 2(7):
“Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter VII.”
Name at least two cases of sham autonomy.
Xinjiang/Tibet (China)
Native American Territories (US)
Gilgit Baltistan/Azzad Kashmir (Pakistan)
Kashmir (India [before 2019])
Bantustans (historic cases in South Africa)
...Many many others...
What are the names of the three international relations traditions as discussed by Hedley Bull
What is the name of the view supported by Valentino and Sagan, which found that majorities of Americans were willing to trade the lives of 100,000 Iranians if it could save the lives of 20,000 US soldiers?
Military effectiveness argument / Logic of strategic expediency
According to Paul MacDonald, what technological developments might cause a country like the US to engage in modern imperialism?
WMD proliferation
Conventional weapons proliferation that exacerbate civil wars and failed state instability.
What is the condition in which self-interested individuals excessively use up and deplete a common resource?
Tragedy of the commons
e.g. Depletion of resources in the ocean and the atmosphere, such as overfishing or using up the global atmospheric ”sink”
What is the name and year of the agreement that Halted the Production of Chlorofloral Carbons (CFCs)?
The 1987 Montreal Protocol on Stratospheric Ozone
What concept does Yaelle Tamir argue against that claims that sovereign states are “the only associations which defend human rights, and promote the security and interests of individuals as well as political stability and continuity may be granted sovereignty”?
The Contractarian approach
Flaw #1 entities other than the sovereign state could in some cases furnish better outcomes
Flaw #2 Contractarians often assume the need for “one political entity, sovereign in all major fields” rather than a “coordinating entity in some particular sphere of public life – such as human rights, personal security, social welfare or ecology…”
What percentage of America’s GNP is devoted to foreign aid and how does this percentage compare to the goal for each country set by the UN to alleviate global poverty?
In 2013, the US gave 0.18% of its GNP.
The UN’s target to alleviate global poverty is 0.7% of GNP.
According to Peter Singer, how many people in the world live in dire poverty (living on less than $2.03 in 2015)?
702 million
According to theorists of international norms, what are the three stages of the normative life cycle?
Imitation after force
What analogy from Max Weber communicates the idea that “One institutionalized idea may preempt another—freedom precludes slavery, citizenship bars subject status, independence repudiates colonial status. If any one side of these contrasting pairs is instituted, the other side is not only (perceptually) obscured but (conceptually) eliminated as a normative option”?
Railway switchman
What is the Rule-Deontological theory of ethics?
A hierarchy of rules. Frankena: “One might also say that the rules may have all the necessary exceptions built into them, so that, fully stated, they have no exceptions.”
What is the name of the report and the body of over 800 scientists cited by Peter Singer which argues that it is 95-100% “likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-twentieth century”?
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) [2014 Fifth Assessment Report]