The primary cell that builds all the structures of the nervous system
what does CNS stand for?
Central Nervous System
what is the peripheral system made of?
nerves that branch off from the spinal cord.
Neurons taking information back to your body are called what?
motor neurons/Efferent neurons
What does a dendrite do?
Receives neurotransmitters from another neuron's axon terminal
Name all structures of the entire nervous sytem
Brain, Spinal cord, and Nerves
Name 3 roles of the cerebrum
1. Higher order thinking
2. Emotions
3. Voluntary muscle movement
4. Senses
what does PNS stand for?
peripheral nervous system
Name 2 ways our body maintains homeostasis and what they are linked to.
Body temperature - sweating or shivering
Blood glucose - produce insulin or glucogen
Water balance - urination or salivation
There are approximately how many neurons in the human brain?
86 billion
Neuron which carries impulses between sensory and motor neurons
what is the central nervous system made of?
brain and spinal cord
What does an axon terminal hold inside small vessicles?
Define what the negative feedback loop does
Returns the body's balance to homeostasis
What is the main difference between a reflex and a response
A reflex is a voluntary action, while a response is involuntary
Name the tiiiiiiny empty space between dendrites of one neuron and axon terminals of the connecting neuron
Explain the stimulus response model
Stimulus - Receptor - sensory neurons - CNS - Interneurons - CNS - Motor Neurons - Effector - Response
How do messages travel through nerves?
As an electrical impulse, then a chemical messenger at the synapse
A sensory neuron connected to touch receptors in the skin sends nerve impulses to...
The central nervous system.
Name the function of the neurotransmsitter/hormone Adrenaline
Stress response, fight or flight, excites nervous system, fear response
What does the Somatic divison of the nervous system conrol?
Voluntary movement of the body
What structure functions like a highway and transmits nerve impulses from the body to the brain and from the brain to the body?
The spinal cord
What is the purpose of the myelin sheath?
insulates axon, protects and speeds up nervous impulse
Example of a positive feedback loop
More contractions occurring as the baby presses on the females cervix causing more contractions
Explain a Reflex Arc
sensory impulse in to spinal cord
In response, an efferent signal is sent via a motor nerve to move the body to keep it safe.
This process bypasses the brain first...
Sends the signal to the brain after sending the motor signal to move