The component theory is also known as this.
What is the trichromatic theory
These cells are monocular and respond best to bars or edges.
What are simple cells
This is the basic process of detecting stimuli.
What is sensation
Linked to damage in the fusiform face area/occipital face area, this disorder causes people to not be able to recognize familiar faces.
What is prosopagnosia
This is the "where" pathway in the two-streams hypothesis.
What is the dorsal stream
These cells respond best to straight lines of a particular orientation and do not respond to diffuse light.
What are complex cells
Also known as the "little brain," this structure contains over half of the brain's neurons and is responsible for motor learning, as well as diverse sensory, cognitive, and emotional responses.
What is the cerebellum
This is the inability to recognize objects by touch.
What is astereognosia
This is the "what" pathway in the two-streams hypothesis.
What is the ventral stream
Over half of complex cells are considered to be this.
What is binocular
This structure is part of a loop that receives information from various parts of the cortex, and is involved in the sequencing of movements and other nonmotor cognitive tasks.
What is the basal ganglia
What is anosmia
What is the component theory
Responding best to contrast, these neurons each have a different response to light depending on if that light hits their receptive field.
What are on-center and off-center cells
The function of these cells is to maintain balance and spatial orientation.
What is the vestibular nucleus
The inability to localize sounds and/or discriminate frequencies can result from bilateral damage to this structure.
What is the posterior auditory cortex
The idea that one color will suppress the other in color vision is this.
What is the opponent theory
When color and brightness of surfaces are not directly perceived, they are filled in by this process.
What is surface interpolation
This type of stimuli is part of the exteroceptive system, which mediates body sensations.
What is nociceptive
This disorder involves the neglect of one side of the visual field.
What is contralateral neglect