What is the definition of philosophy?
Love of wisdom
Who was Socrates' student?
What did Socrates believe about what true wisdom is?
True wisdom is realizing you do not have wisdom
Where did Plato live?
Men are trapped in a cave, only seeing shadows, since birth. One man escapes and realizes there are realer things than shadows, and tries to inform the others, but they attempt to kill him.
What is truth vs wisdom?
an accurate representation of reality vs how to live
What is the Socratic Method?
a form of philosophical dialogue in which questions are posed to stimulate critical thinking.
What was the name the people of Athens gave Socrates?
Who was often a main character of Plato's writings?
What does the allegory represent?
how many people are trapped in ignorance and how philosophy is what can lead them to the light
Where should philosophy begin?
Common sense, common experience, common logic
How did Socrates die?
He drank poison
Why does Socrates choose not to get exiled or silenced?
Because he did not want to disobey the gods and did not find the unexamined life worth living.
What is Plato's Theory of Forms?
the world we see is not the ultimate reality. Instead, there’s a higher, perfect world of Forms (or ideals).
What do the cave and outside world represent in the allegory?
cave- physical, material world
outside world- world of forms
What is an example of a question philosophy can answer?
Can I know things through sense perception?
Do humans have free will?
Can I do something wrong for a good outcome?
etc etc
The pursuit of [X] and [Y] are the highest goals in life according to Socrates.
wisdom and virtue
What is the analogy Socrates gives as a defense against his charges?
The majority cannot be a trainer of horses
What are forms?
abstract, perfect, unchanging concepts or ideals
What do the shadows on the cave wall represent?
A limited perception of reality; material objects (not forms)
What are the three acts of the mind?
Understanding concepts, making judgments, making conclusions
Corrupting the youth
What was Socrates' view of death?
Death should not be feared because we don't know what happens when we die and it may even be good.
What is Plato's view of education?
What is final thing discovered in the allegory by the man who escapes? What does it represent?
The Sun, and it represents the Idea/Form of Good