What is cognitive psychology?
The scientific study of how people think, learn, and process information
Sigmund Freud
This psychologist’s experiment with dogs showed how conditioned responses work, using a bell to trigger salivation.
Ivan Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning Experiment
What is social psychology?
The study of how individual or group behavior is influenced by the presence and behavior of others
Who is the father of American psychology and functionalism?
William James
In this experiment, children who observed aggressive behavior toward a Bobo doll were more likely to imitate that aggression, demonstrating social learning. Who created this experiment?
Albert Bandura
What is developmental psychology?
The focus on human growth and changes across the lifespan, including physical, cognitive, social, intellectual, perceptual, personality and emotional growth
Who created the hierarchy of needs with a humanistic approach?
Abraham Maslow
This psychologist’s “Little Albert” experiment demonstrated how fear could be conditioned in humans.
John B. Watson
What is biopsychology?
The science of the brain and nervous system and how they influence behavior
Who established the first psychology laboratory and focuses on structuralism?
Wilhelm Wundt
In this experiment, participants were willing to administer what they believed were painful shocks to others, revealing the power of authority on behavior.
The Milgram Obedience Experiment
What is the biopsychosocial model?
A model that considers the biological, psychological, and social factors that contribute to health and illness
Who was known for research on the conditioning process and behaviorism?
John Watson
This psychologist’s “Stanford Prison Experiment” explored the effects of perceived power and authority, leading to ethical concerns in psychology.
Philip Zimbardo