How many Sacraments are there?
Seven (7) Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony, Holy Orders
What is Grace?
A participation in divine life
The Sacraments supply grace Ex Opere _____.
Operato (from the work worked) as compared to Ex Opere operantis (from the work of the worker)
If chocolate milk is used instead of water (in an emergency), is it a Valid or Invalid Baptism of Water?
Fasting 1 hour before Mass & Reading the Gospel of the day is a great way to prepare for the Reception of this Sacrament
The Eucharist
True or False:
The Catholic Church has the power to add or remove Sacraments.
A habitual supernatural gift that “perfects the soul itself enabling it to live with God” and to “act by his love.”
Sanctifying Grace - It’s the grace that justifies or saves us. What the Catechism means by “habitual” is that the gift is stable and permanent—that is, on condition one doesn’t forfeit the gift by committing a mortal sin.
Which Sacraments can be received more than once.
Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony
If someone is sprinkled with Holy Water, do they automatically received grace?
No--it's also dependent on their disposition
OCIA is the preparation for this/these Sacrament(s)
Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation
An outward sign, instituted by Christ, to give grace.
The Definition of a "Sacrament"
If you die with this type of grace in your soul, you'll go to heaven--at least eventually.
Sanctifying Grace
Finish the sentence:
Whatever is received, is _____ in the mode of the ______.
Two Jewish actors are re-enacting a scene in a movie where one Baptizes the other. Why is this not a Valid Baptism?
They lack the intention to do what the Church requires
An examination of conscience is a great way to prepare for this sacrament
What are/is the Sacrament(s) of Initiation?
Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist
“God’s interventions, whether at the beginning of conversion or in the course of the work of sanctification.”
Actual Grace - In short, sanctifying grace is God’s permanent gift residing in the soul that properly disposes us to love God and neighbor, and actual grace is God’s temporary interventions that prompts us to collaborate with him as we continue to grow in holiness.
How a person is disposed, their emotional state, and how they usually respond to stimuli is called _____.
When used worthily, Sacramentals can forgive ____ sins.
This is a Healing Sacrament--and sometimes it can restore bodily health!
Anointing of the Sick
What are/is the Sacrament(s) of Healing?
Reconciliation & Anointing of the Sick
A thought, word or deed that deviates from Eternal Law
Sin (there are 2 types, venial (non-deadly, does not separate us from God) and mortal (deadly, does separate us from God)
A Sacrament is said to be _____ when you have the correct Matter, Form, Minister, and the Intention of the Church.
If a priest is in a state of Mortal Sin, can he still perform the Sacraments?
Yes--the power of the Sacraments is independent from the personal holiness of the minister
Only Baptized males are eligible for this Sacrament
Holy Orders
What are/is the Sacrament(s) of Vocation
Holy Orders and Matrimony
1) Grave matter
2) Full knowledge
3) Complete Consent
The three (3) Conditions of Mortal Sin
Suppose you have a blessed object, such as a Crucifix, Bible, saint statue, etc. One day, it gets badly damaged, and is no longer suitable to be displayed.
What are the two ways that you can properly "get rid of" or retire a blessed object?
Burn it or Bury it
Holy Water, images of saints, altar, crucifix, lectionary, rosaries, stained glass windows, Stations of the Cross, pews, etc
Pre-Cana classes are a requirement for the reception of this Sacrament