Your glove goes on your ______ hand?
When the ball goes over the fence it is a
True or False
When running to first base you should stop at the bag
False- You should run all the way through the bag
There are _____ outs in an inning
The shape of a softball field is a
A ball hit in the air is called a
Pop Fly
When bunting your bat should be:
A. Horizontal
B. Vertical
A. Horizontal
The base opposite of home plate is
2nd base
How many runners can be on a base at one time
All players must wear this when batting
A helmet
How many defensive positions are there?
You get ____ strikes then you're out.
There are coaches standing at which two bases?
1st and 3rd
There are _____ innings in a game
A "full count" when batting has
how many balls and strikes
4 balls,3 strikes
Name of the area inside the foul lines
Fair play
A ball is
A pitch out of the strikezone
True or False
You can leave the base prior to the pitcher releasing the ball
When a batter is hit by a pitch the batter automatically advances to
1st base
True or false
A batted ball that is caught in foul territory is an out
When baserunners steal a base the player that throws them out is the
Hitting for the cycle means you hit a
If there are less than 2 outs and a pop fly is hit you should
Wait at the bag and tag up once the ball is caught
How many foul balls (that are not caught in the air) are allowed in an at bat
True or False
A runner is out if they are more than 3 feet outside of the baseline