How much do you get for attending leadership and a workshop?
How old do you need to be to begin ILP classes in Stanislaus County?
Who can access the drop in center?
Foster youth ages 14-24
How many Pre-ILP classes are there a month?
True/False: You can smoke in the center
How many classes must you attend to get $40 in one month?
2 classes
To qualify or be eligible for incentives, how old do you need to be?
16 years old
What is the ILP drop-in Center?
A center where Foster youth can hang out and receive support and resources.
Classes and workshops are also hosted here!
True or False: All classes are Hybrid.
False. It depends on the class and content. Some classes require you to be in person only.
True/False: You can come to the center under the influence
False! You will be dismissed from the center for the rest of the day.
True or False: You can get an incentive for getting your Driver's Permit
False! You get an incentive for your Driver's License!
Does your social worker need to send a referral to ILP so you can participate?
Who works at the Drop In Center?
Supervisor, Coordinator, Peer Mentor
False! Check yo calendars!
True/False: If you yell or are disrespectful to staff or other youth, you will be asked to leave for the day!
If the budget allows, what is the maximum you get for graduating high school?
True/False: If a youth is from another county, they cannot attend ILP in Stanislaus county.
What days and hours is the center open?
Tuesday-Thursday- 10am-6pm
What is the name of our nutrition education class?
True/False: I can grab more than 2 snacks per visit/per day.
False. We ask that you be mindful with snacks as there are youth that come throughout the day that want snacks and we are limited!
How many times do you need to attend a class/workshop in a month to qualify for the additional incentives?
Once per month
What is the packet you receive when you attend orientation for ILP?
welcome packet
What resources are available to you at the drop in center?
computer, tv, games, art supplies, snacks, commodity bags, clothing closet, contraceptives, reduced fee waivers!
What is the difference between a club and a workshop/class?
Clubs are more so for hobbies and you do not get paid!
What are 4 of the zero-tolerance policies that will get you kicked out from the center (suspension or permanent).
1. physical altercations
2. destroying center or individual property
4. Harassment