Name one type of communicator
Name 1 reason why faciliated learning is wonderful
Acting as a facilitator allows students to do the work of learning
Facilitated learning unleashes student creativity and self motivation
Students feel more pride and ownership in their learning
What is a mixed message?
A discrepancy between verbal and nonverbal messages
who reports to whom.
Why do teachers use assessments?
to see what students learn
What is optimism?
the inclination to see favorable outcomes
What is an example of a agressive communicator?
Someone who interrupts
Never lets you speak
Disagrees just to argue
What is a faciliatator?
Someone who creates situations that help students learn by actively involving students in the learning process rather than just presenting information.
Give an example of a mixed message?
When a kid does something inappropriate and the parenst videos or laughs, then the kid thinks that the behavior is ok.
What does tangible mean?
It means you can physically touch, see, smell or hear whatever it is.
What is an assessment?
A tool used to determine how much a student or class has learned or is currently learning
What are ethics?
Conduct based on moral principles
What is an assertive communicator?
someone who freely express their thoughts, ideas, and feelings respectfully and allow others to do the same
What are TWO examples of faciliated learning?
Lead Discussions
Guided learning
A process that involves asking questions and restating lines to discover the true message of the sender
What is a mission statement?
The official version of an organization’s purpose and goals, along with policies and procedures
What is an evaluation?
A process used to appraise an individual student’s learning performance. Sometimes this is in the form of a grade and others it does not.
Why is being dependable as a teacher a must have quality?
Students, staff and fellow teachers depend on you. You are a role model, showing up matters.
What is the difference between efficient and effective?
Effective means you got it done.
Efficient means you got it done the best and fastest way.
What is an example of direct learning?
science experiment
What is an example of an aggresive communicator?
Someone who interrupts
Does not allow anyone else to speak
Puts the other person down with everything that they say
What is an organzational culture?
The personality of an organization based on the assumptions, values, standards, behaviors, and actions of people, as well as tangible signs of an organization.
What are the 3 types of assessments?
3 Types:
What are some ways that you can stay positiev and protect your peace as a teacher?
Fill your bus with positive people, find joy, thankful journal, work/life balance, stay away from those who drag you down, be flexible, positive affirmations.
When someone is a passive communicator what are they trying to avoid?
Interaction and conflict
What is a teachable moment and give an example.
unexpected learning opportunity
butterfly in your classroom, fire drill, student question, a visitor in your room
What are the THREE types of communicators and what do they mean?
Assertive Communiators - Freely express their thoughts, ideas, and feelings respectfully and allow others to do the same
Aggressive Communicators - Aim to hurt or put down people and show disrespect
Passive Communicators - Are unwilling to say what they think, feel, or desire, wanting to avoid conflict
Why is knowing an organizations culture important?
Variety of answers.
Why are assessments important?
Provides feedback for teachers about what studnets know and what they have learned. Allows teacher to monitor and adjust, reteach if needed.
In addition to building content knowledge, what else do teachers help students do?
Help students foster Self-Esteem and learn to persevere