The Bible contains the sacred scriptures of this religion.
What is Christianity?
What Christians call the "Old Testament," those of the Jewish faith call this.
What is the Tanak (also possibly acceptable is the Torah)?
Bible comes from the Greek word biblia, meaning this.
What is/are "many books?"
A covenant is more than a contract because it establishes this between the two parties.
What is a familial bond?
Moses, considered by ancient tradition to have written the Torah, the first five books of the Bible, lived around this year.
What is 1250 B.C.?
The Bible used by Christians for some 1500 years contained this many books.
What is 73 (46 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament)?
The word "Tanak" is an anagram from these three Hebrew words.
What are Torah, Nevi'im, and Kethuvim?
The English word "canon" comes the Greek word kanon, meaning this.
What is a measuring rod?
Living in right relationship is known as living in this.
What is righteousness?
Seven new books recounting God's ongoing action in the lives of the Jewish people were written in Greek in Alexandria after Alexander the Great conquered Egypt in this year.
What is 332 B.C.?
Protestant Bibles have fewer books than Catholic Bibles because of this man's misunderstanding of history.
Who is Martin Luther?
This is the central/pivotal/fundamental event in the history of the Jewish people.
What is the Exodus?
The English word "revelation" comes from the Latin word revelatio, meaning "to unveil or uncover," which has the same meaning as this Greek word.
What is "apocalypse?"
The Jewish people knew how to live in right relationship with God because of these.
What are the Ten Commandments/Mosaic laws?
The central figure of the Bible, Jesus of Nazareth, the only begotten Son of God, died in this year.
What is A.D. 33?
The books of the Old Testament were written in a four-stage process consisting of these steps.
What are an event, an oral tradition, a written tradition, and canonization?
The Tanak begins with the Book of Genesis and ends with the book of II Chronicles because of this.
What is because each book is about a beginning?
This Greek word refers to drawing something out from a text that is hidden within the text.
Christians seek to read the Bible in these four "senses."
What are the literal, allegorical, moral, and anagogical?
The first book of the New Testament was written by Saint Paul about this year.
What is A.D. 53-54?
The books of the New Testament were written in a three-stage process consisting of these steps.
What are the life of Jesus, the reflection and teaching of the Apostles, and the Evangelists who wrote the Gospel accounts?
Christians rerranged the books of the Old Testament from the Jewish ordered because of this understanding.
What is that the prophets led to the coming of Jesus, the Messiah?
This Greek term refers to the act of reading something into a text from the readers viewpoint that is not intended by the original author.
What is eisegesis?
Biblical criticism seeks to explore the Bible in these four contexts to discover what the original authors intended to communicate.
What are historical, cultural, literary, and religious?
The last book of the New Testament to be written was finished between these years.
What are A.D. 68 and 110?