Theatre Around the Globe
Contemporary US Theatre
Global Theatre History
Elements of the Theatre Space
Theatre Terms and Conventions

Define "Bollywood" films

“Bollywood” films-films that are created in the Indian city of Bombay, the term mixes Hollywood and Bombay.


True or False: The US has never had a national theatre. 


What are two benefits of the configuration of the Greek theatre?

Good visibility 

Natural sound amplification


This term is used to describe the portion of a theatre building where the audience sits.

The house


Name two types of performing arts

Can include:








Who is Josef Svoboda? What country is he from and what is his contribution to theatre history?

Josef Svoboda was a scenic designer from the Czech Republic. Most notable scenic designer from the area. His work often featured harsh lines, large masses and limited color palettes.  


What is Actor's Equity? Why might a theatre want to gain Equity status?

A union for stage actors that helps regulate fair wages and working conditions for actors. 

A theatre may want to gain Equity status because:

First, it gives them the ability to hire Equity actors that would otherwise not be able to work for them due to union regulations. 

Secondly, the label of Equity theatre conveys a certain standard of professionalism. 

Third, the quality of actor available to Equity theatres is considered higher than average, due to the requirements of becoming an Equity actor.


A skene is _______________________

In the Greek theatre: an enclosed space for actors to change costumes, get props, and where all offstage violence happens


What is the name of a stage configuration that has audience seated on all sides?

Arena theatre


What defines a theatre as a professional theatre?

The actors, technicians, etc are all paid. 


What trends are seen in countries with national theatres during times of strict government control?

All content is regulated by the government, often resulting in an abundance of propaganda. 

Theatre is commonplace, since it has guaranteed funding. 

Tickets are very affordable, as the government wants citizens to attend shows it has approved.


What happened to theatre around the turn of the 20th century that paralleled what happened in two dimensional art? Why is it significant? 

When compared to the history of painting and two dimensional art, theatre began diverging from traditional forms around the early 20th century. Subject matter started to become less about recognizable forms/topics/settings and more about color, shape, and composition.

This type of work is significant because it demands an interpretation of what is being viewed. The viewing process became less passive.


A parados is ________________

An aisle-way used by actors for entrances and exits on either side of the stage between the audience and the stage


In a proscenium theatre, what is the area downstage of the proscenium called?

The apron


Define soliloquy 

Onstage, an actor speaking when no one can hear them. This allows the audience to know their hidden thoughts


List the four types of Japanese traditional theatre. Spelling does matter.

Kabuki, Noh, Bunraku, and Shineki


Beginning in the 1960s many theatres centered around minority groups such as feminist theatres, gay and lesbian theatres, Latino theatres, and African American theatres began to see an increase in popularity and in general there was an increase in the quality/fair representation of these groups on all stages. Why was this the case?

The beginning of the civil rights movement. Fair treatment/equal rights for one group helped the cause of all minority groups. 


Describe lighting design in ancient Greek theatre

Lighting for ancient Greek theatre was natural sunlight or torches/fire. Modern lighting instruments and gaslight had not been invented yet. This led to the necessity that all plays be performed during the daylight hours. 


Derek is an actor. He is standing in the center of the stage, facing the back wall. To his right is a table. The table could be described as being located:

A: Downstage left

B: Stage left

C: Upstage right

B: Stage left


What is the difference between a symbol and a metaphor?

A symbol is a physical/visible thing that represents something greater than itself 

A metaphor draws a comparison of two things not using "like" or "as" 

Example: The Lord is my shepard


In Iran, during the 1970s, an annual theatre festival was held that resembled the much earlier ancient Greek theatre festival -the City Dionysia. This festival was called ____________

The Shiraz Arts Festival


Who is August Wilson? Why is his work important? 

August Wilson is the most widely produced African American playwright in the United States. His work is important not only because of how often his work is performed, but the significance of his cycle plays, each written in a different decade of the 20th century, showed a different element of black life in the US. 


In Greek, the word "Theatron" roughly translates as________________

Seeing place


Describe two qualities of a black box theatre.

More informal

Flexible stage configurations

Flexible seating

Ability to hang curtains wherever available

Cheaper than proscenium/thrust stages


How is pantomime different from bunraku?

Pantomime is The use of gestures to convey actions or things that are not physically present. 

Bunraku is a form of puppet theatre in which multiple actors control a single puppet. 
