What is Mr. Iadevaia's favorite kind of music?
Pop punk
Where is Mr. Iadevaia's office?
In the 5/6th grade wing?
What is the priority responsibility for the school counselor?
To support students in need
School Counselors are responsible for disciplinary actions?
Where does Mr. Iadevaia live?
Warwick, RI
You get very sick and feel you may need to throw up..is this a reason to see the School Counselor?
No, you should see the nurse. but you can always check in once feeling better
What are the three developmental domains School Counselors help to support for students?
Academic, Social/emotional, and college & career development
What you say to the School Counselor is shared with your teachers?
False, everything you say to your counselor is confidential
What are two of Mr. Iadevaia's favorite activities
Live music, basketball, running, cycling, video games, football sunday
You are having relationship/friendship problems and are having difficulty focusing when you are around them. Is this a reason to see the school counselor?
Yes. We can not solely solve your problems but we can help you find solutions to your problems
What is a task often done at the beginning of the year?
When is it okay for School Counselor's to break confidentiality?
When there is threat/harm to self or others, permission is granted from the student, and/or there is a court order