My Family
Classes I Teach at JWP
My Hobbies
My Wishes
My Travel Experiences

How many members in my immediate family?



I teach a class that uses graphs and charts; we learn about what people want to buy and how suppliers know what to make. What is that class?

Economics - I teach all the seniors (12th graders)


I love to build things and be creative. True or False?

True - In the last 2 years I have helped build 2 decks, a shed, and renovate an entire basement. (Remind me to show you pictures on my teacher website.)


One of my top wishes is to be a Princess actress at Disney World. True or False?

False, yet I believe one of my daughters would be great at it!


I have been on at least one cruise in my life.  True or False?

True - I didn't really want to go on my first cruise as I don't like flying (a fear of mine) and I don't like heights or not being in control of a situation (more fears of  mine), yet I went on a cruise because my husband wanted to and I am really glad I tried something new as now I really like being on a cruise ship.


How many children do I have?



I teach a class that gets to use software to create music, signs, and memes. What is that class?

Media - I teach all 7th and 8th graders this for a quarter.


I love to garden as I find it very calming.  Would I prefer to work in my flower garden or my vegetable garden?

I love my veggies!


One of my top wishes is to be healthy and happy. True or False?

True - Hopefully we all wish this for ourselves.


I have been to China and stood on the Great Wall of China.  True or False?

False - It is on my bucket list


How many girls or boys do I have?

Four girls


I teach a class that use a calculator a lot.  We learn how to use a journal to report what a company buys and sells so they know if they are making a profit. What is that class?

Accounting - If you take my Accounting class in High School you may earn free college credits. 


How many dog do I have?

Three dogs: Latte is a West Highland Terrier, Bella is a Golden Lab and Raven was supposed to be a Black Lab, but is a rescue dog that ended up being a small (35 lb) all black dog with long legs and a little head.


I wish for World Peace. True or False?

True! I would love if there were no more bad things happening in the world!


I love camping and have camped even in the snow. True or False?

True - I didn't plan to camp in the snow, but when we were camping at Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks it snowed many of the days we were there AT THE END OF JUNE! (Like right before the 4th of July!)


How many siblings do I have (between 0 - 10)

Four siblings plus me


I teach a class for all 8th graders that EXPLORES different parts of the business world so that students have an idea if they would like to take more business elective classes in high school. What is this class?

(Business) Exploratory - this class is a semester long As 8th graders also have Media for a quarter, they will see the Business Education teacher 2 times in a school year.


I really enjoy running and have run a half marathon. True or False?

False - I enjoy walking


I enjoyed riding a Polaris snowmobile as a child and I would like to get a snowmobile to ride now. True or False?

True - I used to snowmobile in the country with my best friend when I was in school and I would still like to snowmobile some day.


I travelled to many states when I was working in the business world including Connecticut,  Arkansas, Washington and Virginia. True or False?

False, I did not travel to the state of Washington, but I did travel to Washington D.C. (not a state)


How many total nieces and nephews do I have? 



I teach Accounting 1, Accounting 2, Economics, Business Exploratory, Game Design, Advanced Game Design, Media, Graphics Design, Introduction to Businesss and Digital Media here at JWP. True or False?



I do not like doing DIY (Do It Yourself) projects as they take to long to make and they never turn out.  True or False 

FALSE! I love doing DIY projects!


I wish I could buy a Tesla car! True or False?

False - I wouldn't want to spend that much money on a car even it it did have cool technology.


If I could travel to one place in the world right now, it  would be Disney World.  True or False?

True! I love Disney World!
