How does gap discourse the way language is use?
what is bilingualism?
the ability to speak two languages.
What are dialects?
dialect is a form of a language that is specfic to a particular region or social group.
What is dual-language immersion programs?
two-way bilingual immersion programs.
What is English as a second language (ESL)
is a program often confused with bilingual education.
How is the language gap use?
-explain the low academic achievement patterns of student from economically impoverished background.
-suggest the ways to correlate the problem
what is monolingulism?
the ability to speak only one language) in English.
What are dialects rule systems?
dialects rule system is used to identified groups that vary manner from a language standard.
The goals of the dual language programs are :
Bilingual (oral profiency in two languages)
biliteracy (reading and writing in two languages)
Achievement at or above grade level
Multiculutral competencies.
What does ESL program promote?
Engish proficiency for ELL students.
What is the relationship of language gap?
Poverty and education
Bilingualism are primary for?
Each dialect share a common set of____
grammatical rules with the standard language and should be considered strutucally equivalent.
Dual-language immersion programs include___
students with an english background and students with one other language background.
What does ESL instruction rely on?
English for teaching and learning.
A language ideologists allow us to see
Some varieties are determined superior and others inferior with other different social context and the extent to which of ways to speaking in power are favored.
There are two types of bilingualism. What are they?
subtractive bilingualism and additive bilingualism
Dialect can be differ in variety of ways such as ___
socioeconomic levels, geography, situational variables, and race, and ethnicity.
How was bilingual education primary established for?
to help English learners develop their English skills for ELL and to develop proficiency in other languages.
How is ESL programs used?
It is mainly used in the United States as a primary medium to assimilate ELL children into the lingustic mainstream as quickly as possible.
How does the language hap applies the lens?
Hierarchy in the U.S that prioritize school based ways of speaking English and raising children and reinforce the hierarchy by promoting the notion that the language is being used by poor people.
Definition of subtractive bilingualism and additive bilingualism
subtractive: Occurs when a second language replaces the first.
additive: involves the development of a second language with no detreiment to the first.
A common example of grammatical differences in dialect is____
Why has bilingual education become a problem?
fared poorly, and many have drop out of school.
Is ESL programs a viable?
yes, it is for achieving its goals.