Background Info
BONUS: Topics

Create a hook for this topic: 

Should schools require uniforms?

Example: How would you feel if you couldn't express yourself through what you choose to wear?


Give 1 sentence of background information for this hook: 

_____ are the best pet to have.

Example: Studies show that cats can feel love and make the perfect pet.  


Write a thesis statement for this topic: 

Why is education important for your future? 

Example: Education is important for your future because it gives you the knowledge, skills, and experience to succeed in life. 


What is a transition word that you would use to add something to your essay?

Example: In addition, Also, Besides, Furthermore, Moreover 


Guess the topic from the hook: 

89% of people choose pepperoni over cheese on their pizza.

Pepperoni pizza is the best kind of pizza.


Create a hook for this topic: 

What makes a good friend?

Example: "A good friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out" -Water Winchell


Give 1 sentence of background information for this hook: 

The best season of the year is _____. 

Example: Fall is the time of year when pumpkin spice lattes are back in season and Spirit Halloween is re-opened.


Write a thesis statement for this topic: 

Why is it important to face your fears?

Example: It is important to face your fears because it will give you a sense of pride, you will get new experiences, and you will feel a sense of accomplishment.


What is a transition word that you would use to contrast between two things?

Example: However, Although, Nevertheless 


Guess the topic from the hook: 

1 in 4 people own a pet.

Why people should own pets


Create a hook for this topic: 

Is it better to read a book or watch the movie version?

Example: Reading books will always be more entertaining than watching the movie version.


Give 1 sentence of background information for this hook: 

_____ is the best TV show.

Example: The Vampire Diaries has action, comedy, romance, and drama each episode.


Write a thesis statement for this topic: 

Do you think social media is positive or negative space for middle schoolers?

Example: Social media is a positive space for middle schoolers because they can learn new information, express themselves, and connect with their friends.


What is a transition word that shows cause and effect?

Example: As a result, therefore, thus, hence 


Guess the topic from the hook:

Have you ever wondered what is actually in the sandwich meat you buy at the grocery store?

The dangers of processed meat.

Create a hook for this topic: 

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?

Example: Only 47% of people will travel in their lifetime.


Give 1 sentence of background information for this hook: 

It is important not to litter.

Example: Our oceans are filled with thousands of pounds of trash, which makes it a dangerous place for wildlife to live.


Write a thesis for this topic: 

Why do you think respect is important in relationships with family, friends, and others? 

Example: Respect is important in relationships because it creates trust, positive relationships, and brings you closer to that person. 


What is a transition word that shows emphasis?

Example: Indeed, in fact, especially, certainly, undoubtedly 


Guess the topic from the hook:

Your body is made up of 80% water.

Drinking water is important for your body to function properly.


Create a hook for this topic: 

What invention has had the biggest impact on the world?

Example: Imagine life without electricity—how different would our world look today without this groundbreaking invention? 


Give 1 sentence of background information for this hook: 

1 in 4 teenagers will experience cyberbullying before they graduate high school.

Example: Cyberbullying is when you are harassed or bullied online.


Write a thesis statement for this topic: 

Why is it important to be kind?

Example: It is important to be kind because it can boost your emotional well-being, create trust, and spread positivity to others.


Write 1-2 sentences using a transition word.

Example: She is very talented. In fact, she won first place.


Guess the topic from the hook:

"Believing that you're enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic" - Brene Brown

Self-respect; Self-confidence 
