Figurative language pt 1
Figurative language pt 2
Basics of the bible pt 3
Basics of the Bible pt 2
Basics of the Bible pt 1

Give the true meaning for each figurative term from the language of the kingdom of heaven:
(A) Four living creatures (i.e. man, ox, lion, eagle), 

(B) beast (from Rv 13), 

and (C) serpent (leopard, lion, bear, locust, scorpion).



A)Four living creatures: four archangels
B) Beast: A person who does not understand God’s word
C) Serpent (Leopard, lion, bear, locust, scorpion): destroyer




Give the true meaning for each figurative term from the language of the kingdom of heaven: 

(A) farmer, field,

 (B) seed, tree                                  

(C) branch, leaf, fruit,

 (D) bird, weeds.


A)Farmer, field: pastor, person’s heart or a church
B) Seed, tree: word, inner person born again of the seed of the word

C) Branch, leaf, fruit: disciple, evangelist, believers born again of the word

D) Bird, weeds: spirit, lies




 (A) Give the four categories into which the contents of the Bible can be divided. (B) Into how many categories can the prophecies of the Bible be divided? What are those categories? (C) To who must the prophecies be made known?

A)History, Instructions, Prophecies, and Fulfillment (physical fulfillment)

B)Three categories - betrayal, destruction, and salvation

C)To the chosen people who will attain salvation    


(A) Explain in one word who gave us true religion (i.e. who is the founder of true religion) and whose will is encompassed in true religion. (B) To whom was true religion given? (C) Why was it given?


B)To sinners

C)To make known God, who is life, and the devil, who is death


(A) Who created heaven, earth, and all creation? (B) What kind of entity is the creator? (C) What kind of entity is the devil?


B)He is who he is, that is self-existent

C)A created being, a fallen angel 


Give the true meaning for each figurative term from the language of the kingdom of heaven:

 (A) seal (mark),

 (B) trumpet, trumpet call, 

(C) stone (white stone), 

(D) image (i.e. idol), food sacrificed to idols, and 

(E) winds (living creatures, cherubim, seraphim, chariots).

A) Seal (mark): word of testimony, person who received the Word

B) Trumpet, trumpet call: person, sound of proclaiming
C) Stone (white stone): word of judgment, pastor
D) Image (i.e. idol), food sacrificed to idols: false pastor, knowledge, doctrines, and teachings

E) Winds (living creatures, cherubim, seraphim, chariots): angels, judgment





Give the true meaning for each figurative term from the language of the kingdom of heaven:
(A) true vine, wild vine, wine, 

(B) olive trees, olive oil,

 (C) fruit of the tree of life, manna, and yeast.



A) True vine, wild vine, wine: God’s pastor, Satan’s pastor, word
B) Olive trees, olive oil: witness, word of testimony
C) Fruit of the tree of life, manna, yeast: word, word, instructions





A) The bible divides both the spiritual and physical worlds into two types of kingdoms. What are those two types? (B) Which two groups have been fighting all the battles throughout the 6,000 years of biblical history?

A)God’s kingdom and Satan’s kingdom

B)The spirits and flesh that belong to God have been fighting against the spirits and flesh that belong to Satan.         


B) Categorize biblical history into seven periods in sequential order. (Use arrows between each era.)

(C) Who is the promised pastor who fulfills the prophecies in the New Testament? Be sure to include a reference.

B)Period of Creation of the World →Period of Exodus and the Law →Period of the Judges →Period of Kings →Period of the Prophets →Period of the gospel of heaven →Period of Revelation and Re-creation 

C)The one who overcomes, New John (Rv 21:6-7)


For the times of (A) the exodus and (B) Jesus’ first coming, who made a promise to who and who came to whom to fulfill that promise?

A)At the time of the exodus, God came to Moses to fulfill the promise he made to Abraham.

B)At the time of Jesus’ first coming, God came to Jesus to fulfill the promise he made through the Old Testament prophets.


 Give the true meaning for each figurative term from the language of the kingdom of heaven: 

(A) head, horn, tail, 

(B) dog, pig, 

(C) ox, sheep, and

 (D) the flesh and blood of the Lamb,

 (E) vineyard, mountain.


A)Head, horn, tail: leader, authority figure, false prophet

B) Dog, pig: pastor who betrayed and lacks understanding
C)Ox, sheep: righteous believer
D)The flesh and blood of the Lamb: words of Jesus, who is life E. Vineyard, mountain: the chosen people’s tabernacle, a church




 Give the true meaning for each figurative term from the language of the kingdom of heaven: 

(A) vessel (i.e. bowl or cup),

 (B) scale, and iron scepter.

(C) fire,

 (D) censer, incense, 

(E) incense smoke, and (F) pot.




A)Vessel: person’s heart and church
B) Scale, iron scepter: word that weighs faith and deed, ecclesiastical authority to rule

C)Fire: word that consumes and judges
D) Censer, incense: person's heart, prayer

E) Incense smoke: sound of prayers being lifted up F)

 Pot: church






(A) What is the biblical meaning of Israel? What evidence proves that a person has become Israel? (B) What are the three types of Israel that appear in the Bible according to their biblical eras?

A)Israel refers to the one who overcomes (i.e. the winner). The creation of the twelve tribes is the evidence

B)- Old Testament: Physical Israel

 - First coming: Spiritual Israel

 - Second coming: New Spiritual Israel 


Who came prior to the pastor speaking on behalf of God in each of these generations: (A) the time of the fulfillment of the prophecies given to Abraham, (B) the time of the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies, and (C) the time of the fulfillment of the New Testament Prophecies? (D) What is the role these who came before played?


B)John the Baptist

C)Seven stars

D)Preparing the way


Give seven pastors whom God appointed from Adam’s time to time of Revelation in order.        

Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Jesus, the One Who Overcomes (i.e. New John)


Give the true meaning for each figurative term from the language of the kingdom of heaven: (A) water, (B) spring,

 (C) river, (D) sea, ship, 

(E) fishermen (captain, sailors, passengers),

 (F) net, fish, 

(G)sea of glass, 

and (H) bitter water (i.e. water of Wormwood).

A) Water: word
B) Spring: pastor or temple
C) River: heart of a disciple and evangelist
D) Sea, ship: world, church
E) Captain, sailors, passengers: pastor, evangelists (church staff), congregation members

F)Net, fish: word, people
G) Sea of glass: words of God that wash our inner being
H) Bitter water: the devil’s lies




 Give the true meaning for each figurative term from the language of the kingdom of heaven: 

(A) sun, moon, stars, 

(B) cloud,

 (C) tabernacle,

 (D) hailstone,

 (E) flashes of lightning, rumbling and peals of thunder, and (F) path.



A)Sun, moon, stars: pastors, evangelists, and believers who belong to heaven
B) Cloud: symbol of the invisible spiritual world
C)Tabernacle: dwelling place
D)Hailstone: word of wrath, pastor
E) Flashes of lightning, rumbling and peals of thunder: rapid movement of spirits, the sound of administration
F)Path: word, pastor with the word





. (A) Give two reasons Jesus spoke figuratively.
 (B) Explain the differences between those who understand the figurative language and those who do not.

A)Jesus spoke figuratively to hide the secrets of the kingdom of heaven from his enemies and to fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament.

B) Those who understand the figurative language receive atonement for their sins and salvation. Those who do not understand the figurative language become outsiders, and because their sins are not atoned, they do not receive salvation. 


Give the three conditions people must meet for their sins to be forgiven. Be sure to include references.

We must drink the blood of Jesus (Mt 26:28, Jn 6:53-57)

We must understand the parables (Mk 4:10-12)

We must keep the new covenant (Heb 8:10-12)     


E) How many books, chapters, and verses are in the Old Testament? (F) How many books, chapters, and verses are in the New

E) 39 books, 929 chapters, 23,144 verses

F) 27 books, 260 chapters, 7,959 verses 


Give the true meaning for each figurative term from the language of the kingdom of heaven:

 (A) light (day), darkness(night), 

(B) eyes (lampstands, candlestands), 

(C) light of a lamp (light of a candle),

 (D) clothes

, (E) treasures (pearls, gold), 

(F) song, and new song.



A)Light (day), darkness (night): word of life, ignorance-not having the word
B) Eyes (lampstands, candlestands): spirits, workers
C) Light of a lamp (light of a candle): spirit within a person
D)Clothes: words, actions
E) Treasures (pearls, gold): word of truth
F)Song, new song: gospel, gospel of the physical fulfillment




Give the true meaning for each figurative term from the language of the kingdom of heaven:

 (A) death, grave (i.e. tomb), 

(B) resurrection, breath of life, 

(C) bridegroom, bride, 

(D) widow, and fatherless.


(E) Jerusalem, Babylon,

 (F) war, weapon,

 (G) key of heaven, key of hell, 

(H) orthodoxy, and cult


A) Death, grave: death of spirit, flesh that God’s spirit left (under false teaching organization)
B)Resurrection, breath of life: making a spirit live again, word of life
C) Bridegroom, bride: spirit, flesh
D)Widow, fatherless: pastor who has betrayed, people who belong to a pastor who has betrayed

E) Jerusalem, Babylon: kingdom of the chosen people, kingdom of demons-gentiles
F)War, weapon: war of doctrines, word of testimony
G) Key of heaven, key of hell: wisdom that allows one to open the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, wisdom that allows one to know Satan’s secrets
H) Orthodoxy, cult: God and the word, doctrines that differ from God’s word







What are the six parables about heaven from Mt 13?

  1. A man who sowed good seed in his field

  2. A mustard seed planted in a field

  3. Yeast mixed into three measures of flour until it works all through the dough 

  4. Treasure hidden in a field

  5.  A merchant looking for fine pearls

  6.  A net that is let down into the sea to catch all kinds of fish 


Jesus came according to the prophecies of the Old Testament. Give five representative references respectively from the Old Testament prophecies regarding Jesus and five references from the New Testament regarding their physical fulfillment.

OT                -->      NT

Is 7:14 Born of a virgin -->Mt 1:18-23

 Hos 11:1 Going to Egypt-->Mt 2:13-5

Is 9:1-2 Ministering in Galilee -->Mt 4:13-16

Ps 40-41 Bearing the Cross-->Mt 27

Is 61:1 Preaching the Gospel of heaven-->Lk 4:16-21


(A) In general, how many kinds of gods does the Bible mention? Into how many categories can the believers who belong to these gods be divided?
 (B) Give five Bible references that explain the differences between God’s offspring and ordinary people.    

A)Since there are two types of gods, there are two types of believers. 

B)Ps 82:6-7, Jn 10:34-35, Ac 17:29, Gn 6:1-3, Gal 4:29 
