The structure of the human body.
What is anatomy?
The largest organ in the human body
What is the integumentary system?
Encloses internal body structures and site of many sensory receptors. This is this also the first layer of body's protection.
What is the integumentary system?
The umbilical regions is _______ to the brachial region.
What is medial?
This plane divides the body into a right and left half.
What is sagittal?
Mr. Big-Talk fractured his humerus. He needs this type of medical imaging.
What is an x-ray?
The brain is located in this cavity.
The cranial cavity.
Anatomy focuses on the structure or body part, whereas physiology focuses on the _______.
What is function?
Blood Vessels
Cardiovascular System
Detects and processes sensory information.
What is the nervous system?
The patellar region is __________ to the tarsal region.
What is superior?
This plane divides the body into a superior and inferior halves.
What is transverse plane?
Doctors seem to think that Mrs. Purr has suffered from a stroke. What type of imaging would she need for to doctors to confirm the diagnosis?
What is a CT Scan?
Lungs, stomach, and heart are all housed in which body cavity?
What is Ventral Cavity?
The correct order of Cellular Organization consist of what?
Cells, Tissues, Organs, Organ System, Organism
What is the urinary system?
A 14 year old male develops a deepened voice and a growth spurt. Which of the following organ systems will be most helpful in his hormonal changes?
What is endocrine system?
The digital region is _________ to the thoracic region.
What is lateral?
This plane divides the body into anterior and posterior.
What is a frontal plane?
Ms. Susie Guccithinkiloveher' found out she is pregnant. In order to monitor the pregnancy, she will need this type of imaging.
What is ultrasonography?
The most medial inferior quadrant is what?
What is hypogastric region
The study of internal body structures
Radiographic Anatomy
What is the Digestive system?
Delivers oxygen and nutrients to tissues.
What is the cardiovascular system?
Standing with palms held unnaturally forward with thumbs pointing away from the body is consider what position?
What is anatomical position?
Organs that are one side of the body are considered to be______?
What is Unilateral?
If a patient may have a cancerous tumor, the best type of imaging would be a _________.
What is a MRI?
What cavity is the reproductive organs located in?
What is the Pelvic Cavity?
The study of developmental changes that occur before birth
What is Embrology?
Lymph Nodes
What is the lymphatic system?
Provides framework for the body and provides protection to internal organs?
What is the skeletal system?
The lumbar regions is ________ to the abdominal region.
What is posterior?
The areas that is close to the surface.
What is superficial?
Which body quadrant is ipsilateral and most superior to the Left inguinal region?
What is the Left hypochondriac?
A ______point is the physiological value around which the normal range fluctuates.
What is set?
Adrenal glands
What is the endocrine system?
Returns fluid to the blood.
What is the lymphatic system?
Organs far away from the point of attachment
What is distal?
Organs that are included in the axial part of the body?
Head, neck, trunk
What is the right most inferior quadrant
What is the Right Inguinal/iliac region
Skin cells that divide uncontrollably leads to tissue changes. These structural changes that ultimately affects tissues are caused by disease. This is known as what type of anatomy?
What is pathological anatomy?
Epithelial, nervous, muscular, and connective tissues all have characteristic tissues that creates which level of organization?
During a spa session, you are asked to lay face down so the massage therapist can contact your lower back. Which body position are you laying in and which posterior landmark is being contacted?
What is Prone; lumbar region