This organelle is known "powerhouse of the cell"
What is the mitochondria?
This invention was key to the discovery of cells.
What is the microscope?
This type of reproduction can be done with only one parent, and is a better strategy for stable environments.
What is asexual?
These colorful structures serve various purposes in a flower, most prominently attracting pollinators.
What are petals?
These tiny organelles manufacture all the proteins that your cells need to thrive and survive.
What are ribosomes?
Cells are the building blocks of this.
What is life?
This science-fiction sounding word describes two organisms or cells that have identical genetic material.
What is a clone?
This yellow powder can be carried by insects, birds, or even the wind as it transports sperm between flowers.
What is pollen?
This DNA-containing organelle is not found in prokaryotes.
What is the nucleus?
This word describes organisms that are made up of more than one cell.
What is multicellular?
Named after a mythical beast, this organism undergoes budding when it asexually reproduces.
What is a hydra?
This male structure is made up of an anther and a filament.
What is a stamen?
Giving plants their green color, this organelle is responsible for turning sunlight into sugar.
What is the chloroplast?
Animals, plants, fungi, and protists contain this type of cell, which contains a nucleus.
What is a eukaryotic cell?
This type of asexual reproduction involves a unicellular organism splitting evenly in half, leaving no clear parent organism.
What is binary fission?
These leaf-like structures surround the budding flower before it opens and blooms.
What are sepals?
Represented by two peach rings and a Skittles Gummy, this organelle serves as the "post office" of the cell and packages proteins and lipids to be sent to different parts of the cell.
What is the Golgi Apparatus?
This type of cell is often as small as one ten-millionth of a meter across.
What is a prokaryotic cell?
What is vegetative propagation?
Sitting at the bottom of the pistil, this structure holds eggs waiting to be fertilized.
What is the ovary?