The author of Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone.
Who is Sophocles?
Civilization that made tragedy into art
Who were the Greeks?
City where tragedies were produced as part of a religious festival
What is Athens?
The first of the other two plays in the series with Antigone
What is Oedipus Rex?
The number of words that we have "borrowed" from the Greeks
What is 150,000 words?
The number of Sophocles's plays that exist today out of a total of more than 100
What is 7?
The ending for the hero in a Greek tragedy
What is the Downfall, usually by destruction or death for a protagonist?
The part of a Greek play usually chanted or sung in unison
What is the Chroal Ode?
The familial relationship between the Oedipus and the King and Queen of Thebes?
What is parent and child/son?
Three city-states that made up Ancient Greece
What are Athens, Thebes, and Sparta?
The nickname of the time period in ancient Greece when Sophocles wrote his plays
What is the golden age?
the emotions aroused by tragedy
What are pity and fear, wonder and awe?
This is what the actors in a Greek tragedy wore to project sound and appear larger
What are masks with built-in megaphones and platform shoes?
"Your son will kill his father and marry his own mother."
What is the prophecy given to the king and queen of Thebes?
Stretching across the Mediterranean Sea to the Agean Sea into what is now Turkey
What is Ancient Greece?
Sophocles's age when he won his first drama competition
What was 28?
This brings a hero to disaster in a Greek tragedy
What is a single flaw in character or hamartia?
A group of actors that move and sing together, acting as one character
What is the Chorus?
Both the mother and wife of Oedipus.
Who is Jocasta?
Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian
The number of actors Sophocles cast in his plays
What is 3?
A horrible truth that leads to release
What is cathersis?
The Greek word for "actor"
What is hypokrites?
"Bury Eteocles but not Polyneices."
What is the decrees of Creon that begins the action of the play?
The Olympics, Homer wrote his epics, Democracy was born, and Pythagoras created his theorum
What is the Archaic Age?