What is the purpose of the Law Enfocement pathway?
Protecting the public
Maintaining order
Enforcing laws
What is the minimum level of education needed for Municipal-State law enforcement?
High School Deploma/GED
What is a duty police officers ARE NOT responsible for?
List 3 positive character traits needed for Law Enforcement officials
Service oriented
Communication skills
Strong work ethic
What is an example of Quasi-military organizaton?
Strict lines of authority
Uniforms, rank, weapons
Authorized by law to use force
What are the 3 levels of law enforcement
Local (Municipal and County)
List 3 of the things other than an education needed for Municipal/State law enforcement
21 years old
Valid drivers license
US Citizen
Background investigation
Written exam
Physical agility test
Psychological evaluation
True or False: babysitting is a duty that police officers have to do
Why are communication skills important for LEO's?
Must be able to communicate conditions at an emergency scene to other emergency personnel
What is civilianization?
The process of removing sworn officers from tasks and replacing them with civilians
List 3 of the types of Municipal Law Enforcement
Police officer
Special ops
Animal control
Crime scene investigator
What is the minimum age and maximum age for Federal Law Enforcement jobs?
23 years old - 37 years old
List the 3 duties that the sheriffs need to do?
Officers of the courts
Jail operations
Law enforcement
Why is decision making skills important for LEO's
How is the military and LEO's different?
Warriors vs. community figures
Police limited by state and constitutional law
List 3 types of State Law Enforcement?
State highway patrol
Game warden
State crime lab
NC Department of Insurance Investigator
What are the 2 things needed on the medical review for Federal Law Enforcement?
20/20 corrected vision
Pass hearing test
What do Sheriff deputies do at the county jails?
Staff and maintain the county jail
Why is phyisical strength and stamina important for LEO's
Stamina - could be on a call for long periods of time that need strength and endurance
Strength - help to maintain personal and public safety. Physical altercations are a grantee
What is the difference between sworn and nons-sworn officers
Sworn: under oath to uphold laws and constitution and they have the power to arrest under probable cause
Civilians (Non-sworn): other people that work for a police department. do not have the power of arrest
What is the oldest federal agency?
US Marshall's
What is the biggest difference in requirements needed from Municipal/State to Federal (not age)
State - GED
Federal - 4 years of college
What are the 2 roles of Sheriff deputies in a courtroom
Bailiff and Security
What would an example of courage be for LEO's
answers vary
What is the most common shifts police officers work?
8 or 12 hour shifts