What is word processing?
The act of creating, editing, and producing a text document.
How do you open a new document from the Start Menu?
By clicking on the program icon in the Start Menu.
How do you select a word?
By double-clicking on the word.
What does Cut do?
Removes selected text and places it on the clipboard.
What does Ctrl + N do?
Opens a new document.
Which part of a document shows where text will be inserted?
The insertion point, shown by the blinking cursor.
What is the Backstage View used for?
Accessing templates, document information, and saving options.
How do you select an entire section?
By triple-clicking on the section.
What does Copy do?
Makes a duplicate of the selected text without removing it from its original location.
What does Ctrl + C do?
Copies the selected text or object.
Name a common method to create a new document.
Opening a new document using the Start Menu or Backstage View.
How can you open an existing document?
By double-clicking on the document icon or a shortcut.
What is non-contiguous selection?
Selecting certain portions of text by holding down the Control key without selecting the entire document.
How do you delete the word to the left of the cursor?
By pressing Control + Backspace.
What does Ctrl + X do?
Cuts the selected text or object.
What is a template?
Opening a new document using the Start Menu or Backstage View.
How do you search for templates in Microsoft Word?
In the Backstage View, by clicking the New option and searching for a template.
How do you select portions of text without selecting the whole document?
By holding down the Control key while selecting.
What’s the difference between Cut and Copy?
Cut removes the text from its location, while Copy duplicates it without removing it.
What does Ctrl + V do?
Pastes content from the clipboard.
Name one tool for formatting text.
The Font group in the Home tab or the Mini toolbar.
How do you open Word using a shortcut?
By double-clicking a shortcut to the program.
What is a contiguous selection?
A continuous selection of text, typically made by dragging the mouse or triple-clicking.
How can you copy text formatting from one place to another?
Using the Format Painter option.
What does Ctrl + A do?
Selects all the content in the document.