Classroom 1
The Classroom -2+4
The Classroom -4+7
Classroom -1+5
What does "it is all good" mean?
What is "no big deal if you make a mistake if you learn from it"?
Regular Tests and quizzes are this percent of the grade
What is 100%?
Where can you see assignments? ( Besides Campus )
What is the white assignment board by day and class title?
What two things does Mr. Katona want you to do when he says "May I have your attention please"
What is stop talking and look at him? ( Usually it is to get the next set of directions or an announcement )
What should you do if you want to do a make-up or retesting quiz?
What is "sign up for intervention"?
What does "get it while it is free" mean ?
What is get learning now because later they will charge you?
Where can I get scrap paper or graph paper?
What is "under math reviews"?
Where is the standard we are currently working on written?
What is above the TO DO list on doc camera?
What does Mr. Katona's hand to his ear mean?
What is "call out the answer"?
Where are pencils if Mr. Katona has any to lend out?
What is the cup by the door?
What does "keep your power" mean?
What is "focus on what you can do to improve your situation instead of blaming others"?
Why does Mr. Katona want to use the 4 desks under the labeled groups for group work?
What is "so others are not left without partners"?
Where do I turn in make-up assignments?
What is the "In" assignment box at the front of the room? ( class practice and assignments graded in class are not collected )
Where to get assignments is you were absent?
What is 3 drawer box? ( older farther down )
When should I ask for a pass? ( other than not in first or last ten min )
What is when the class has something to do?
What is the implication of "if you were the boss, would you hire the best?" ?
What is "be your best if you want to get hired"?
Why are groups formed by the front 2 desks turned sideways?
What is "so your backs are not to your other partners"?
Where do I get a paper that was passed out while I was at the bathroom, etc?
What is "the wire basket"?
Where are the self practice sheets?
What is side files
Where is the sign that tells how to do a fix it plan in order to stay in class? What does it say?
What is sign by the door..... Immediately w/o talking, take responibility, correct place, and only 5 min max?
What is the purpose of the saying "will they be paying your bills when you are 20, 30, 40 .... ?
What is "focus on your learning to help yourself in the future because they will not matter later"?
What is the motto of this math class?
Learn as much as possible because your competition is the world
What does it mean when Mr. Katona raises his hand while he is asking a question?
What is "raise your hand if you want to answer"?
What is the purpose of HW and classwork?
What is practice for the test?
What does Mr. Katona call disruption ( which is why it bothers him so much)
What is "stealing"? When we disrupt we are stealing others educational time It is selfish, rude, and disrespectful. If you want to waste your opportunity that is one thing but don't waste others.