Subject Matter
Will we...?
Can I..?
Random ?'s

What is the name of our class?

Independent Living


Does this class have quizzes and tests?


You'll have a few and they will be announced ahead of time so that you can prepare.


Will we cook in this class?

Yes, for most of you.

We won't cook until at least the second nine weeks, after we complete kitchen safety and cooking essentials. You must demonstrate safe and appropriate behavior to cook. Cooking is a privilege, but a right!


Can I bring in my laundry to wash in this class?


This room is not a laundromat. 


Do you get a high school credit for this class?


And the grade you get in this class will be a part of your high school GPA. 


What club does this class sponsor/support?

FCCLA or Family, Career and Community Leaders of America 

Does this class have projects?


You will have about 2 projects each nine weeks.


Will we sew in this class?


You will do some hand sewing and also learn how to use a sewing machine. In the 4th nine weeks, you will make your own pair of pj pants/shorts.


Can I use this dishwasher?

Not unless directed to by Mrs. Dedie.

We will handwash dishes in this class unless told to put them into the dishwasher.


Does this class have a fee?


The activity fee for this class is $14 and covers materials and equipment we will use for the year, EXCEPT for fabric that you will need to buy for your PJ pants/shorts in the 4th nine weeks.

Your parents/guardians will be informed the fee has not been paid.


What subject does this class fall under?

FACS or Family and Consumer Sciences

Electives --> CTE--> FACS -->Independent Living


If I am absent, do I need to make up work I missed?


Please check the agenda board and Schoology when you are absent to see what work you missed and follow up with Mrs. Dedie with any questions or concerns. 


Will we pick our own groups for projects or assignments?

Sometimes. I like to alternate between choice partner work and randomized group work to expose you to different types of work. Most work in this class will be completed individually.


Can I heat up my lunch in the microwave?

Only if you have my class for the lunch block and only with permission. Permission must be given each and every time you want to use the microwave. No using kitchen equipment when I am absent.

Name one topic we will cover in this class this year.

Workplace Readiness Skills

Balancing Work and Family

Creating and Maintaining Healthy Relationships 

Managing Resources to Achieve Goals

Making Responsible Consumer Choices

Managing Personal and Family Finances

Creating and Maintaining a Living Environment

Obtaining & Maintaining Clothing for Self & Family

Planning, Preparing, and Serving Nutritious Foods

Exploring Human Development


What department does this class fall under?

CTE or Career and Technical Education

What other subjects/classes are in this department?

Does this class have homework?

Not really... sometimes you may have a request to bring in materials (fabric, cooking ingredients, etc) or work on something we started in class, but I do not assign traditional weekly homework assignments.


Will we go on any field trips?


2 years ago, 8 students participated in a Cupcake Wars Competition for which they missed one day of school. 

FCCLA has two field trips for members/officers: to the State Fair of Virginia in September and Virginia Beach in April (overnight trip).


Can I store my lunch in the refrigerator?

No, the refrigerator is for cooking lab materials and cannot hold food for all of my students. Admin does not want students traveling unnecessarily to my room just to get food or ice.


What do I do when I get to class?

Come in quietly, find your seat, and start on the warm-up. Most days it will be online, but sometimes it may be on paper. Warm-ups will count as a grade in PowerSchool, so they are expected to be done or you will receive a zero. 


What does FACS stand for?

Family and Consumer Sciences

This is the subject that Independent Living falls underneath. This subject used to be known as Home Economics or Home Ec.


Does this class have an exam?


This class is a high school credit course and requires an exam at the end of the year that counts towards your overall grade for the year.


Will we take home babies in this class?


We have a parenting and child development unit in the 3rd nine weeks where we learn the essentials of parenting and you have the option to take home a baby simulator overnight. There is an alternative written assignment if you don't want to take home the baby or are not allowed to bring it home.


Can I sit where I want?


We have assigned seats unless otherwise directed. This helps me do attendance quickly, learn names, and maintain appropriate classroom behavior.


Where do we go in case of an emergency?

Hide and Lock: in the kitchen below the Huskie

Fire Drill: Exit to the left towards the basketball courts and out the doors towards the left side of the rear access road (across from the baseball field)

Tornado Drill: Out in the hallway

Earthquake Drill: Drop, Cover, and Hold underneath table
