Describes how a medication enters the bloodstream.
What is absorption?
Drugs that mimic the receptor activity that endogenous compounds regulate.
What is an agonist?
Respiratory distress or hives following drug administration.
What is an allergic reaction?
Drug trials not tested on humans.
What are pre-clinical trials?
Time course of medication used once plateau has been reached.
What is maintenance dose?
Explains why an oral dose of a medication is higher than the IV dose.
What is first pass effect?
The lowest concentration of a drug in the body.
What is trough?
Medications that do not require a prescription.
What are over-the-counter medications?
Regulates the effectiveness and safety of new medications.
What is the FDA?
What is always our priority with medication administration and medication errors?
What is patient safety?
Disease process that alters drug distribution.
What is PVD (peripheral vascular disease) or carviovascular disease or diabetes or tumor or hypothermia or abscess?
Blocks actions of endogenous regulatory molecules.
What is an antagonist?
Results when too much of a drug is given that damages the liver.
What is hepatotoxicity?
Outlined a schedule of medications based on their potential for abuse.
What is the 1970 Controlled Substance Act.
Right patient, right drug, right storage, right route, right dose, right preparation, right time, right recording.
What are the 8 rights of medication administration?
Reason why a lower dose of medication may have to be prescribed to avoid adverse effects.
What is liver disease or hepatic dysfunction?
The way a drug affects the body.
What is pharmacodynamics?
Undesired effects of drugs that may be unpleasant or dangerous.
What are adverse effects?
Drug that is not financially beneficial for drug companies to develop.
Reported increased sleepiness after taking a medication.
What is CNS adverse effect.
What is half-life?
The ratio comparing the blood concentration at which a drug becomes toxic with concentration at which it is effective.
What is the therapeutic index?
Process that keeps drugs that are not lipid soluble out of the central nervous system.
What is the blood brain barrier?
A label given to medications that demonstrate fetal abnormalities if taken by pregnant women.
What is category X?
The phase of drug development that evaluates safety and dosage.
What is Phase 1?