Medicine and Health
Population and Urbanization
Collective Behavior and Social Movements
Social Change and the Environment
Review Chapters
Many of the physical signs of aging such as balding, wrinkles, and a sagging chin or buttocks are now treated by physicians. This process of turning a normal characteristic into a medical matter is termed ________.
What is medicalization.
Which country has adopted the "one couple, one child" policy?
What is China.
Actions performed by a group of people who bypass the usual norms governing their behavior and do something unusual are referred to as ________.
What is collective behavior.
Combining glass, a filament, and metal base (all of which previously existed) to form a new tool called the light bulb is an example of ________.
What is invention.
While the notion of gender refers to sociological characteristics, the concept of sex refers to ________ characteristics.
What is biological.
The study of disease and disability patterns in a population is referred to as __________.
What is epidemiology.
To qualify as a megacity, a city's population must exceed ________.
What is 10 million.
A situation where there are more bystanders, but a tendency for fewer bystanders to help in an emergency situation, is referred to as ________ of responsibility.
What is diffusion.
The realignment of the world's powers that occurred after World War II is called ________.
What is geopolitics.
A position in society that cuts across other statuses a person holds, such as being a high-ranking Army officer, a college president, or a handicapped Olympian, would be considered that person’s ________.
What is master status.
There is a major exam scheduled in today's sociology class, but Donald has a serious case of the flu. Donald's professor excused him from the exam. Donald then made an appointment with the health center, and spent the next three days in bed. This is an example of the _____ role in practice.
What is sick.
Some Anti-Malthusians predict that the world's population will peak at about 7 or 8 billion and then begin to grow smaller. They refer to this process as a demographic ________.
What is free fall.
The term Robert Park used to explain the back-and-forth communications between members of a crowd during unrest was ________ reaction.
What is circular.
The theories that propose societies may take different routes, but eventually lead to the same stage of development, are ________ theories.
What is multilinear.
While race might reflect our biological heritage, ________ reflects our cultural heritage.
What is ethnicity.
When Anthony visited a specialist, the doctor briefly listened to Anthony's symptoms, then spoke to the physician assistant in the room as though Anthony wasn't even there. The specialist then exited the room, leaving a prescription for Anthony at the receptionist's desk along with a bill for $135. Such an occurrence illustrates the ________ of medicine.
What is depersonalization.
The idea that population grows geometrically and the food supply only increases arithmetically is known as the _________ Theorem.
What is Malthus.
Charles Mackay noticed that country folk, who are ordinarily reasonable people, sometimes did "disgraceful and violent things" when they formed a crowd. What explanation did Mackay propose for this kind of behavior?
What is the herd mentality.
The Japanese adopted baseball as a national sport after they saw American GIs playing it following World War II. This adoption of baseball by the Japanese is an example of ________.
What is diffusion.
The concept that describes opening a window into unfamiliar worlds that allows us to understand human behavior by placing it within its broader social context is called ________.
What is the sociological perspective, or sociological imagination.
Give two examples of alternative medicine.
What is acupuncture, meditation, herbal remedies, etc
What is the basic demographic equation, or growth rate equation?
What is Births- Deaths+ Net Migration.
Alan is part of a group protesting the reductions in student financial aid at Boston University. He is presently a junior and is protesting because without financial aid, he cannot complete his degree. Based on Turner and Killian's identification of the type of people who participate in collective behavior, Alan would be considered a(n) ________ participant.
What is ego-involved.
Although all the faculty members of Acadia University have new state-of-the-art computers, several professors refuse to use them and even replaced them with personal typewriters. This is an example of ________.
What is cultural lag.
Lily views society as a system of interrelated parts, while James views society as composed of groups competing for scarce resources. Lily would be considered a(n) ________ and James would be seen as a(n) ________.
What is functionalist; conflict theorist.