Before it was written down, Scripture was first taught in this way.
Oral tradition
These are the four types of questions to ask of the text when studying Scripture.
Historical, Source, Form, Textual
Old Testament
The account of God’s chosen people, most of which are in the Jewish Scriptures (46 books)
Also the word for a large building that houses books, this word describes the Bible.
Library (not a continuous narrative)
Describe how we would find Genesis 1:28 in the Bible.
Genesis is the book, 1 is the chapter, 28 is the verse.
Roughly, Scripture was written down between these years.
1000 BC - 100 AD
This type of question asks, "What was going on, historically, when the text was written?"
New Testament
The life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the beginnings of the Church (27 books)
This is the author of Scripture.
God, or human beings inspired by the Holy Spirit
Interpreting the Bible in this sense, we consider what the words of Scripture actually say or mean.
Literal Sense
By the end of this century these books were universally accepted by the Church.
4th Century
This type of question asks, "From where did the writer get the information?"
Divine Inspiration
The guidance of the Holy Spirit in the development of scripture, whereby the human authors were guided to teach without error those truths of God necessary for salvation.
These are the Four main sections of the New Testament.
The Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Epistles, Book of Revelation
Interpreting the Bible in this sense, we consider what the realities of Scripture signify and mean in the context of salvation (within the bigger picture).
Spiritual Sense
These two councils decided the canon (official list of books in the Bible).
Hippo and Carthage
This type of question asks, "What is the literary genre of the text?"
Salvation History
The pattern of events in human history that exemplify God’s presence and saving actions.
These are the Four main sections of the Old Testament.
The Pentateuch/Torah (first five books), The Historical Books (Joshua through 2 Maccabees), Prophetic Books (3 Major, 12 Minor prophets), Wisdom Literature (ex: Psalms, Proverbs, Job, etc)
Interpreting the Bible in this sense, we consider what the text teaches us about how to act or live as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Moral Sense
The process of deciding which books would be part of the official Jewish Scriptures happened roughly between these years.
400 BC - 100 AD
This type of question asks, "How did the text get translated from one language to another?"
Official list of books in the Bible
This is God's ultimate goal.
To restore our union with Him.
Interpreting the Bible in this sense, we consider what, if anything, is symbolic in the text/story.
Allegorical Sense