The name for Red and Orange when combined
He painted the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper.
Leonardo da Vinci
Diagonal, horizontal, vertical are a few examples.
A, B, A, B and A, B, C, A, B, C are two examples of this.
The capital of the state of California.
The primary colors
red, blue, yellow
Vincent van Gogh
The lightness or darkness of something.
When you put more focus on a subject matter.
These cowboys would ride horses as fast as they could to deliver the mail out west during the 1800's.
The Pony Express
Green, violet and orange
His "action art" became famous because he was the first artist to pour and splatter paint onto a canvas during the abstract expressionist movement.
Jackson Pollock
This can be created by using lines that are wavy or by drawing subject matter that does this.
This was discovered in 1849 in California originating the name of the football team in San Francisco.
He was most famous for being involved in the comic book industry in the creative process of making characters such as Spider-man, Ironman and the Hulk.
Stan Lee
The way that something feels.
Symmetry can be used to create this principle.
This is considered the Maryland State cat because of its similar colors to the state flag.
Known for his theories regarding gravity, he also created the color wheel we use today.
Sir Isaac Newton
He is known as the father of cubism.
Pablo Picasso
This can be positive or negative.
You may use this to liven up your work and add many shapes, colors or designs that are different from each other.
He said, "I have but one life to give for my country."
Nathan Hale