Your School Counselor
What you can talk to me about:
How to talk to me:
Important Stuff

Who is your School Counselor?

Ms. Burgess


Social/Peer Issues

Conflicts with a classmate, trouble making friends at school, help with social skills, harassment, bullying and cyber-bullying


Fill out a ______

Counseling Form! Ask your teacher for a blue form or pick one up in class. Fill it out entirely and put it in the folder outside my door.


You are walking the halls and stop to say hi to me. Then, you ask me for a pass back to class. Will I write you a pass?

NAH!!! If you do not have a pass to see me and I did not ask to see you, I will not write you a pass. Stop skipping


You are hearing rumors somebody wants to fight you. What will happen if you tell me?

Often times, your peers are gassing you up so they can be entertained by drama and fights. They are happy to be there to record it, but nowhere to be found when you suffer the consequences. We will find out if the rumor is even true by going straight to the source! Then, you guessed a circle!


Who does the school counselor work with?

About 300 students, your families, and your community.


Home Life Issues

The death of a family member, divorce, someone is hurting you, safety concerns, basic needs such as food and shelter.


Ask your teacher to send an ____.

Email me! Your teacher does not stop class to do this. Ask your teacher and wait until they have time.


"Can I come with you?"

No - If you need to see me, fill out the form or let your teacher know that you need to see me. You can always pull me aside to tell me that we need to talk. I will come to you as soon as I can.


You feel like fighting somebody. What will happen if you tell me?

I will probably convince you to do a circle to address the issue with them. Learning to speak up for yourself, assert and protect your boundaries is a valuable skill for life. 


How many years have I been a school counselor?

This is my second year! 



Feeling sad, hopeless, thoughts of suicide. Feeling angry, wanting to hurt someone. Feeling anxious and overwhelmed.


It's an emergency. You need to see me NOW. What do you do?

You do not need to tell anyone the details, but you do need to communicate that it is an emergency. Tell your teacher, and come straight to me.


If the school counselor needs to see you, are you in trouble?

School counselors do NOT discipline students. I also do not take sides in a social conflict but I will give you the opportunity to resolve it. Often, I will try to intervene BEFORE you get in trouble to help you fix the situation or resolve the conflict. 


You are worried your friend might do something to harm themselves, but they told you not to tell anyone. What should you do?

If you are worried about a friend, you need to tell a trusted adult. It could be a matter of life and death. Your friend might feel betrayed or angry at you. Trust that you are doing the right thing and your friend will understand and appreciate it eventually. Right now, it is more important that you could save their life.


I am a lifelong learner. Guess at least ONE new skill/hobby that I am learning this year.

This year I am taking salsa lessons, Spanish classes for bilingual certification, learning yoga, and painting.


Improving grades, setting academic goals, changing classes.


Will I come and get you right away?

I have almost 300 young peopl, plus I work with your community and families to provide support and run programs. I will come as soon as I can. If it is an emergency, you MUST let me know!


"Are you going to tell anyone what I said?"

Everything we talk about is CONFIDENTIAL, unless someone is hurting you, you are going to hurt yourself, or you are going to hurt someone.


You are worried about a safety issue in school. Who do you tell?

The nearest adult. Do not wait for me or Ms. Bailey to be available if you see or hear something of a safety concern. Tell a teacher, principal, or any other school staff right away.


Why did I become a School Counselor?

A school counselor is like a BRIDGE between the school and the community, making sure that you have what you need on both sides.


What is a Restorative Circle?

A restorative circle is a way to resolve conflicts, repair harm done, take ownership of ourselves, and come to understanding.


Ms. Burgess is busy. Who else can help you?

You can tell a trusted teacher or administrator, or ask to see Ms. Booker or Mr. Brown.


"Can you come get me during ___ class?"

No. I am not a "get out of class free" card. 
