Your School Counselor
Why do kids see a School Counselor?
Classroom Lessons
What does a School Counselor do?

Who is your School Counselor?

Mrs. Graves


Why do kids see a School Counselor?

Because they would like support with 

1) A problem at home, school, or in the neighborhood

2) A personal challenge

3) An idea to make our campus a kind, inclusive, and fun place to learn and grow


Will I visit your classroom?

Yes! This is called classroom guidance. I will visit every class at least 1 time per month.


School Counselors help kids to solve their ________.



How many years have I been in education? Multiply this number 5 by 2 and you will know how many years I have been a School Counselor.

5 5 x 2 = 10


Name two problems that a child might have that will want them to see a School Counselor.

Death of someone that they are close to, family break-up like a divorce, upset with a friend, bullying, they are lonely, having trouble with their behavior, stressed out, etc..


Name two things that we might work on when I visit your classroom.

Bullying, Friendship skills, Being Safe, Making good choices, Careers, etc.


School Counselors do more than just work with children. Name two things that you think that a school counselor does in addition to working with kids.

Talk to Parents, Problem Solve with Teachers, Principals and other staff members, Work on Committees, Run Programs, etc..


How many children do I have? 

1 child-Kendal


How do you get to see a school counselor?

* Ask permission from your teacher to see me* 

Ask your parent to contact me to let me know that you want to talk to me.


How will I expect you to behave when I am in your room?

I will expect you to be respectful, responsible, ready to learn and very peaceful.


School Counselors keep confidentiality (secret) UNLESS_______________

1) Someone is hurting you

2) You want to hurt yourself

3) You want to hurt someone else


What kind of a pets do I have?

2 dogs, 4 horses, 5 cows


What should I do if I want to see you but I'm not comfortable asking for help?

You can write me a note and give it to the office to put in my box.


Classroom lessons are supposed to help students to make good __ __ __ __ __ __ __.



Do I ever work with other School Counselors?

Yes! I work with school counselors, psychologists, and support staff. I go to meetings with School Counselors. 


Why did I become a School Counselor?

I love working with kids, talking with kids, helping kids, encouraging kids, problem solving with kids, etc..


Will I get to see you right away if I write a note?

That depends. If you are having an emergency, I will get to you as soon as possible. If you just want to work through something that is a non-emergency topic I will do my best to see you within the week.


How can you get the most out of our lessons?

Participate, ask questions, follow up with your teacher or me

How many kids do I work with at once?

It varies. A whole class A small group mostly held at lunch Individually -- one child at a time
