A statement that can be inferred directly from another statement
What is an immediate inference
Translate into categorical form:
Everybody needs a friend
All people are friend-needers
A word, often a relative pronoun or adverb, that refers to a broad range of things or times
What are inclusives
State the converse:
Some prophets are pagans
Some pagans are prophets
State the contrapositive:
All things that glitter are gold
All non-gold is a non glittering thing
A statement that reverses and negates both the subject and predicate of the original. It is valid for A and O.
What is a contrapositive
Translate into categorical form:
None of the songs I heard were copyrighted
No songs I heard were copyrighted songs
Words that set boundaries, referring only to a limited class of things
What are exclusives
State the obverse:
All things that glitter are not gold
No things that glitter are non-gold
State the contrapositive:
Some mathematicians are not teachers
Some non teachers are non mathematicians
A statement that reverses the subject and the predicate. It is valid only for E and I statements.
What is converse?
Translate into categorical form:
All of the pianos in that room are not in tune
No pianos in that room are tuned pianos
Translate into categorical form:
I will go where you go
All places you go are places I will go
State the converse:
No emperors were philosophers
No philosophers were emperors
State the contrapositive:
All liquid is a fluid
All non fluid is a non liquid
A statement of the opposite quality with a negated predicate. It is valid for all statements.
What is obverse?
Translate into categorical form:
Many soldiers visited the memorial
Some soldiers were memorial visitors.
Translate into categorical form:
Only the good die young
All people who die young are good people
State the obverse:
Some mathematicians are not teachers
Some mathematicians are non-teachers
State the contrapositive:
Some participles are not modifiers
The set of all terms not included in the given term
What is complement?
Translate into categorical form:
Not all soldiers fight on the front lines
Some soldiers are not front lines fighters
Translate into categorical form:
He gets sick whenever he drinks milk
All times he drinks milk are times he gets sick
State the obverse:
All Christians are believers
No Christians are non-believers
State the contrapositive:
All nomads are wanderers
All non wanderers are non nomads