Define Logic
The art and science of reasoning well.
What is a statement?
A sentence that is either true or false.
What verb must be used in syllogisms?
To be
Let's buy a small gift for her.
By "small" I mean $10.00.
Precising definition
Arrange these with increasing intension.
book, written materials, Bible
written materials > book > Bible
When 2 statements can both be true at the same time.
Why kind of disagreement is here?
Jesus is the Son of God.
Jesus is not the Son of God.
Real disagreement.
(They can't both be true.)
Give a stipulative definition of kerpluff.
Pretty much anything goes!
What's the relationship between these 2 statements.
All cowboys are rough men.
Some cowboys are not rough men.
What is the law of the excluded middle?
Any statement is either true or false.
"A boy can be a girl" is false. Why?
False by definition.
What part of speech must be found in both the subject and predicate in a syllogism?
Grace: unmerited favor.
Grace: elegance.
Lexical definition
Define syllogism
A deductive argument with 2 premises and 3 terms.
What kind of disagreement is here?
Logic is super easy!
I think logic is almost impossible!
Apparent disagreement.
(different opinion or perception)
Define brother by genus and difference.
A male sibling
What's the relationship between these 2 statements:
All bards are story tellers
Some bards are story tellers
Name the 2 major branches of logic.
Formal and informal.
What kind of statement is this:
"This statement is false."
In the predicate of the conclusion.
Johnny, look! That's a cow in the field over there.
Defining by example
Name 3 conclusion indicator words.
Can both of these statements be false?
Some dogs are brown animals.
Some dogs are not brown animals?
When is a syllogism valid?
When the premises imply the conclusion.
Define happy with a synonym
What are the possible truth values for a statement
true or false
What is a term?
Give me an example of a tautology. (Make up one.)
This statement is either a tautology or not a tautology.
(ans. may vary)
How many terms can there be in a syllogism?
Backpack: A pack worn on the back.
Defining by genus and difference.
List 2 words that often signal a problem in a definition.
Give me 2 independent sentences (make them up).
The sun is hot.
I have a car.
(ans. may vary)
What kind of disagreement is this?
Lucy is mad!
No. She's happy as can be.
Verbal disagreement
(ambiguous terms)
What's wrong with this definition:
Bag--a pliant repository.
It's unclear.
What is a copula?
The "to be" verb in a categorial statement
Definitions can serve at least 6 purposes. Name any 4 of them.
1. Show relationship.
2. Remove ambiguity.
3. Reduce vagueness.
4. Increase vocabulary.
5. Explain concepts theoretically.
6. Influence attitudes.
Self-supporting statements need no external evidence to determine their truth.
Name the 3 kinds.
true or false by definition
Most kids make mud pies.
Some kids are mud-pie makers.
There are 6 rules for defining by genus and species. Name any 4.
1. state essential attributes.
2. not be circular
3. not be too broad or narrow
4. not be unclear or figurative
5. be stated positively if possible
6. be the same part of speech
What premise contains the minor term?
Premise 2
(That was too easy for 500 points!)
Name the 4 types of relationships between statements.
logical equivalence
Name the 3 kinds of disagreements.
Name 3 attributes of a bad definition.
Too broad or too narrow
unclear or figurative
What is a properly arranged syllogism using proper abbreviations called?
A Schema