A song at the beginning of the of Mass
What is Entrance Song
The name of the prayer where we confess our sins?
What is the Penitential Act.
Why do we say the Penitential act together as a congregation?
We are all admitting that we sinned and are asking God and our brothers and sisters for help.
After the Penitential Act, we sing a song call?
The Gloria
What is the entrance march called in the beginning of the of mass?
What is the Procession
The opening prayer that the priest says at the beginning of the service. It reminds us of our baptism.
What is The sign of the cross.
Does the Penitential act forgive Mortal Sins?
What is No. Venial sins
The priest says: May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. How do we respond to this as a congregation?
Alleluia, Lord, have mercy or Amen
What is Amen
Who is the Gloria about?
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
True or False: During the Entrance Procession the altar server carries sign above his head?
False, they carry a Crucifix.
The Priest says: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of (blank) , and the communion of the Holy (blank) be with you all.
What is God and Spirit
Fill in the blanks: I confess to almighty God and to you, my (blank and blank), that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and what I have failed to do.
What is brothers and sisters.
Repeat after ME. The priest says "Lord, have mercy," we respond with ......?
The priest says "Christ, have mercy," we respond with ......?
Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.
Finish the Sentence: We praise you, we bless you, we (blank) you, we glorify you, we give thanks for your great (blank).
What is Adore and glory
During what liturgical season is there a candle placed on a wreath and then lit during the beginning of the mass?
What is the Advent season
After we get done saying "The Priest says: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of (blank) , and the communion of the Holy (blank) be with you all." The congregation says AMEN?
What is False....And with your spirit.
What does it mean when we tap our chest with our right hand?
It is a visible way of showing that we are sorry for our sins.
Fill in the blank: Through my fault, through my fault, through my most (blank) fault;
What is grievous fault.
True or False: After the Gloria, the priest says and opening prayer. Then we answer with Amen
What is True
What does one do before they enter a pew, before church starts?
Genuflect and do the Sign of the cross.
After the procession in, The priest and altar servers bow and then the priest walks up and kisses the altar?
Another name for the Penitential Act?
What is the Confiteor.
Name the four parts of how we sinned in the Penitential Act?
What is in my thoughts, in my words, in what I have done and what I have failed to do.
During what Liturgical seasons do we not say the Gloria?
What is Lent and Advent
True or False: Does one start getting ready for church service after they wake up in the morning?