Who is the father of the iPhone?
Steve Jobs
It helps you solve math problems.
a pocket calculator
Why are "TVs" called "televisions"?
The word television comes from the Ancient Greek τῆλε (tele) 'far' and Latin vision 'sight'.
Television" means "seeing from a distance"
I run on tracks and take you far, faster than walking but slower than a car. What am I?
a train
Who invented the electric light bulb?
Thomas Edison
You send your letter by this. You don't need to go to a post office.
by email
What does GPS stand for?
Global Positioning System
I help you talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime. I’m small and fit in your pocket, and I have a screen. What am I?
a smartphone
Who invented the airplane?
The Wright brothers - Wilbur and Orville Wright
It cooks dinner or reheats a meal.
a microwave
Why are toilets called a WC?
WC stands for 'water closet', a name used in the 1900s for a toilet, as most were fitted in a spare closet or cupboard.
Over time WC has been used instead of bathroom to describe a room with a toilet but no bath.
I’m small, and I keep your food cold. I make ice and store leftovers. What am I?
a fridge / a refrigerator
Who invented the system of reading for the blind?
Louis Braille, a French Educator
It's used to remove dirt and dust from carpets, rugs, velveteen furniture, and floors.
A vacuum cleaner
What does AI stand for?
artificial intelligence
I can keep you cool in summer, and I’m found in most homes. I use blades to spin. What am I?
a fan