Career cluster and number of clusters.
Career Cluster is a grouping of occupations and broad industries based on commonalities. There are 16 clusters.
Most of the careers require a Bachelor's degree as a minimum requirement - True or False
False, some careers do accept post- secondary qualifications and associate degrees.
Values are___________________
The thoughts, ideas, and actions that are important to you and which you use to gauge or evaluate the people and things in your life.
What does branding mean?
Burning an image in consumer's mind.
Decision making steps or process
1. Idnetify problem or goal
2. Alternatives available
3. Consequences or results of the 2nd step.
4. Evaluate options
5. Decide.
career pathways
Career pathways are an integrated collection of programs and services intended to develop students' core academic, technical and employability skills; provide them with continuous education, training; and place them in high-demand, high-opportunity jobs.
Skills needed for any job would include
Team work, Computer proficiency, Maths, Writing, Speaking.
Instrumental value and an example.
Something that is important for acquiring something else.
Example: A car which is used to get you to work or school.
General Rules for a Successful Logo
- simple in design (simple drawing or symbol is used)
- easy to understand, even at a distance
- one or two colors
- presented in a simple way and is easy to read
Decision making strategies
Spontaneity; Compliance; Intent; Desire; Procrastination.
Agriculture, food and natural resources.
Environmnetal engineers, pest control, animal scientists, Agriculture engineers belong to this cluster,
What is Aerospace engineering?
Involves the design and manufacturing of aircraft, rockets, missiles, spacecraft, etc., that are needed to operate in aerospace
Intrinsic value with an example.
Something that is important in and of itself.
Things with intrinsic value may be hard to explain. They might include emotions or feelings
What is a logo and how does it help the company or product?
Symbol that represents a product or company.
- Represents a company's personality and worth.
- Its uniqueness provides a great advantage to your product if it is recognizable.
Spontaneity example:
Without much thought, instantly or in a dash.
STEM careers
Chemists, Biostatisticians, Astronomers, Economists, Life scientists, conservation scientists belong to this cluster.
What is Biotechnology?
The utilization of living organisms or other biological systems to manufacture drugs or other products needed for environmental management; an example would be waste recycling where microorganisms are used to degrade a waste or oil spill.
Moral values with an example.
Values that help you judge right and wrong.
Moral values help us judge behavior based on what we think is good compared to what we think is wrong. Moral values include positive character traits such as honesty.
What are the other ways a company advertises its products?
Use of Slogans and Mascots.
Agreeing with parents, friends, no decision of your own.
Government and Public Administration
Compliance officers, Transportation inspectors, Special force officers, Municipal clerks belong to this cluster.
What is robotics?
Robotics careers include anything from a robotics engineer to a behind-the scenes designer, who is responsible for creating robots and robotic systems that are able to perform duties that humans are either unable or prefer not to complete; robots can be created that help make jobs safer, easier, and more efficient, particularly in the manufacturing industry.
What are Work-related values and what does it mean?
refer to how you like to work and the results that you produce. Your work-related values can help you make career decisions.
example: If you value adventure, you might consider a career in tourism or recreation management
Slogans are introduced when
When a brand’s advertising is:
- Changed (America Runs on Dunkin)
- Undergoes new thinking (I’m Lovin It)
- Introducing new products or services (Moving Forward)
How should your profile picture look on a social media account?