I am the male bee. What am I ?
the drone
A plant that holds thousands of "pots of gold".
True bugs have what kind of mouth parts?
Piercing-sucking mouthparts
The American Hover Fly and the drone fly protect themselves by ______. (hint: "m" word
The predator that likes to eat bees are called what?
bee killer
I am the one that makes my nest out of paper. Which insect am I?
yellow jacket/wasp
Male parts of a flower are called what?
Invertebrates have no
What is an ambush bug?
What kind of insect is the bee killer?
Robber fly
I am fury and fuzzy all over.
the bumblebee
The female parts of a flower are called what?
Is a spider an insect? Yes or no?
Nearly every food chain begins with a, what? (hint: 2 words)
green plant
The robber fly mimics what other insect?
i am the egg laying bee, who am I?
the queen
What is the transfer of pollen from the male parts to the female parts?
Describe an insect. (How many legs and how many body parts?)
6 legs and 3 body parts
The ability to blend in with the background is called what?
Describe a true bug.
A true bug can not chew it's food.
I will die within a few minutes after losing my stinger.
the honeybee
the stinger of the egg-laying female insect is called the what?
Describe a spider. (How many legs and how many body parts?)
8 legs and 2 body parts
The larvae of butterflies are called what? The larvae of flies are called what? (Remember larva/larvae are baby insects after they have hatched)
Describe what a nymph is and why.
the young mantises because they look like adult mantises