True or False: You have to be in a leadership course to be involved?
False, there's tons of other activities/classes that you can participate in.
Who is the director of The SPIRIT of Great Oak?
Mr. Burdick-Rutz
Where do you look if you want information on a specific GOHS sport?
The GOHS athletics website or the instagram of that sport
How do you join a club?
Join the remind, begin going to meetings/events
What does the SPIRIT acronym stand for?
Scholarship, Passion, Integrity, Reflection, Involvement, and Teamwork.
Is everyone in your team involved in an activity at Great Oak? Which activity?
Yes = Points
No = No Points
True or False: You need to be in a drama class to be cast in a show?
False, you can audition/be cast without being in a drama course.
If you are interested in sports medicine, what is something that you can do at GOHS?
Apply to help/work with the athletic trainers, take classes in the CTE Kinesiology pathway
Name an academic club on campus
CSF, NHS, SNHS, Rho Kappa, etc.
What is a popular club that you have heard of, that a lot of people are involved in?
CSF, NHS, Science Olympiad, Garden Club, UNICEF, BSU, Mock Trial, etc.
Percentage of students involved in extracurricular activities?
More than 80%
Name 3 art classes you can take at GOHS?
Art 1, Art 2, Art 3, AP Studio Art, AP Art History
What do you need before you can participate in a GOHS sport?
Athletic clearance (Fill out info on, upload physical exam form)
Name two competitive clubs on campus
Academic Decathlon, Mock Trial, Science Olympiad, Mu Alpha Theta - Math Club, Speech and Debate, etc.
Name two things that were on the Reflection Bingo?
(If your class didn't do it then name two events that you have been to this year)
Payed Attention in Class, Helped Others in Class, Met with your Counselor, Got all A’s, Earned Community Service Hrs, Didn’t Get Caught in a Tardy Sweep, Participated in a Class Discussion, Made New Friends, Started Learning a New Skill, Got an A on a Final, Met your Goals, etc.
Name 2 reasons why some people don't join school activities?
Time constraints, Shyness, Lack of Information, Uninterested in the activities available, Other responsibilities, etc.
When is a good time to audition for choir?
Ask Mr. Park, or the auditions are in April.
What team did Great Oak play during the silent 7 game and who won?
We played Chaparral and GOHS won
How many clubs do we have on campus?
How can representing or living by the SPIRIT acronym help you in the future? (In life, at your future job, etc.)
Peer Leaders decide yes/no for points!
Name 3 benefits of being involved?
Finding people with similar interests, being able to explore passions, learning to balance responsibilities, relieving stress, providing opportunities for leadership positions, developing skills, etc.
What was the name of the last show that the Great Oak Theatre Company performed?
Name 5 fall sports that Great Oak has
Cross Country, Field Hockey, Football, Girls Golf, Girls Volleyball, Girls Tennis, Boys Water Polo
How do you start a new club?
Get some people to help lead the club, find an advisor, decide on a name and when you will meet, fill out the club constitution (sign it and get it signed by the advisor and the bookkeeper), and bring it to the WSB monday meeting before school to get the other signatures and get final approval.
What personality type were you? (From when we were here and took a personality test with you)
Personality Types: