The number of the commandment to honor your parents?
What is the 5th Commandment?
Finish this verse: Honour thy father and thy mother: that...
thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
One way to honor parents at home?
Respect, kindness, helping...
Parent asks for help. Honoring response?
Do it willingly (as long as it doesn't go against the Laws of God)
Talking back to parents
The Book or Books of the Holy Bible that we find the 10 Commandments.
What are Exodus and Deuteronomy?
The New Testament letter that repeats the 5th Commandment
What is Ephesians?
One way to honor parents when they are not around?
Good Behavior, good choices
Friend complains about parents. What do you do?
Don't join in and encourage them stop that behavior
Praying for your parents
The promise that comes honoring your parents.
What is long life in the land?
A parents teachings in Proverbs 1 are compared to
What is an ornament of grace unto thy head, And chains about thy neck.
In Deuteronomy 27 cursed is anyone who
What is dishonor their parents.
Curfew vs Friends What brings honor?
Respect curfew
Misbehaving at school or church
He gave the Commandments to Israel.
God (through Moses)
For this is well pleasing unto the Lord.
Children, obeying your parents in all things:
How to honorably disagree?
Calmly listen, be respectful
Sibling disrespects parent, what can you do?
Defend parent, openly rebuke your sibling
Thanking parents
TRUE OR FALSE: The 5th Commandment is only for children.
What is false?
In Matthew 15 who neglected the 5th Commandment.
Who are the religious leaders?
Bible character who honored parents?
Jesus, Joseph, Ruth, David
What does honoring our parents teach or show about our relationship with God?
We fear God, we obey God, we trust God, we love God
Lying to parents