Wakefulness, Non Rapid Eye Movement, Sleep and Rapid Eye movement are considered what?
What are the 4 levels of Sleep
A blood test that measures your average blood sugar level over a period of months
What is A1C
The appendage that is approximately the same size as your heart
What is your fist?
The gender in which arthritis is most prevalent.
What are women?
The Activity that takes place on Sundays that promotes social engagement.
What is Dew Drop In
The stopping and starting of breathing during sleep.
Food consisting of or containing a lot of sugars, starch, cellulose, or similar substances that can be broken down to release energy in the human body that should be avoided
What are carbohydrates
Rich in fiber, antioxidants, and other nutrients. This vegetable may also improve several aspects of health, including heart health and digestion. Although often considered a vegetable, are a type of thistle
What is an artichoke?
The 2 main exercises to help with arthritis.
What are range of motion and strength training.
The activity that takes place on the first floor that promotes Spiritual wellbeing.
What is Worship Service
A disorder that causes people to perform actions while asleep such as walking or driving.
What is Sleep Walking
An autoimmune condition that can develop suddenly, typically at a young age, and may be caused by genetics
What is Type 1 Diabetes
Sweating, nausea, dizziness, arm/shoulder pain, chest pain, and numbness.
What are signs of a heart attack?
Examples of range of motion exercises
What are bending and straightening
The program that is contracted out by the Victorian Order of Nurses
What is the VON Smart Exercise Program
The best time fall asleep to be less likely to develop heart disease.
What is 10-11pm
This develops over time and is generally caused by obesity and lack of exercises
What is Type 2 Diabetes
This disease often linked to high blood sugar can damage blood vessels and can increase the risk of heart disease
What is diabetes?
The most common type of Arthritis
What is osteoarthritis?
A Program that allows Residents to give input on their digestive health.
What is The Dining Services Meeting
A hormone that is naturally released in the brain 4 hours before we feel sleepy
What is Melatonin?
Heart disease, kidney disease, Gout and Dementia
A burning pain in your chest, just behind your breastbone. Often can be felt in the throat.
What is heartburn?
A condition where the immune system attacks the joints.
What is rheumatoid arthritis?
A program that allows the enjoyment of heat for your hands
What is Paraffin Wax