___ is a medication used to counter opioid overdose. It blocks opioid receptor sites, reversing the toxic effects of the overdose.
Most commonly abused substance across the US
______ is the process of clearing the substance from your body.
Detoxification (Detox)
Feelings of worry, uneasiness, or dread...
Like methadone,_____ suppresses and reduces cravings for the abused drug. ____ is an opioid partial agonist. This means that, like opioids, it produces effects such as euphoria or respiratory depression.
Fastest addicting substance
____ is the chronic, relapsing disease characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite serious adverse consequences, and by long-lasting changes in the brain.
Feelings of extreme sadness, shame, guilt and/or dispair...
____ tricks the brain into thinking it's still getting the abused drug. In fact, the person is not getting high from it and feels normal, so withdrawal doesn't occur. ____ works by changing how the brain and nervous system respond to pain. It lessens the painful symptoms of opiate withdrawal and blocks the euphoric effects of opiate drugs.
_______ are a class of drugs that speed up messages travelling between the brain and body. They can make a person feel more awake, alert, confident or energetic
____ is the return to alcohol or drug use after a significant period of abstinence.
Stress disorder AFTER traumatic event...
______ works differently than methadone and buprenorphine in the treatment of opioid dependency. If a person using ____ relapses and uses the abused drug, ____ blocks the euphoric and sedative effects of the abused drug and prevents feelings of euphoria. ____ works as an antagonist that binds and blocks opioid receptors, and is reported to reduce opioid cravings.
_____ reduce arousal and stimulation. They affect the central nervous system, slowing down the messages between the brain and body.
_____ includes symptoms like: Agitation, muscle aches, anxiety, runny nose, inability to sleep, yawning often, excessive sweating, abdominal cramping
List 2 different types of triggers
When used as a treatment for alcohol dependency, the injection form of naltrexone known as _____ blocks the euphoric effects and feelings of intoxication. This allows people with alcohol addiction to reduce their drinking behaviors enough to remain motivated to stay in treatment, avoid relapses, and take medications.
______ can produce altered states of consciousness characterized by major alterations in thought, mood, and perception as well as other changes.
One of the first symptoms experienced that could be a sign of you developing a substance abuse disorder is ____.
higher tolerance/dependency
List at least 3 Treatment options
•Medication •Behavioral therapy •Groups •Rehab •Inpatient/outpatient •Recreational •Occupational •Medical •Voc. Rehab •Music