Define it
Reaching Out

This actor from Home Improvement did federal prison time as a result of a cocaine arrest before his recovery. 

Who is Tim Allen?


A disorder associated with the use of mind-altering drugs that interfere with or have a negative effect on a person's life.

What is "substance use disorder"? The term "addiction" is frequently used for the severe form of substance use disorder.


A group founded in 1953 that describes itself as a "nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem."

What is Narcotics Anonymous?


Symptoms of SUD include:

What is taking more of the substance than you mean to, taking the substance for longer than you mean to, failing to stop using despite repeated attempts to cut down or cease use, spending a lot of time obtaining the substance, craving, tolerance, withdrawal, use despite personal and legal ramifications, etc.?


The percentage of Americans who receive treatment for their addiction.

Around 10%.


This actor is well known for his roles in Braveheart and the Lethal Weapon movies; he has been sober from alcohol for over ten years. 

Who is Mel Gibson?


This word describes the severe problems associated with the compulsive and habitual use of mood-altering substances.

What is addiction? 


This group marks 1935 as its starting year; it is an international fellowship requiring no membership dues or fees, dedicated to helping alcoholics peer to peer in sobriety through its spiritually inclined Twelve Steps program.

What is Alcoholics Anonymous?


The brain chemical that causes a person to feel "high."

What is dopamine?

The percentage of people who have both a mental health diagnosis and a substance use diagnosis. 


This actress from "True Lies" and the "Halloween" films counts her recovery as the single greatest achievement of her life.

Who is Jamie Lee Curtis?


This class of substances make your heart beat harder and faster and raise your blood pressure. They can also cause psychosis.

What are stimulants?


A Christ centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind.

What is Celebrate Recovery?


The amount of substance use that is genetic.

What is 40-60%?



WOW you found it!!

This actor from Tenacious D, Jumanji and School of Rock has struggled with cocaine use in the past.

Who is Jack Black?

This class of drugs distorts the senses of the user in a number of ways that can produce powerful hallucinations and alter the way the person thinks and feels.

What are psychedelics?


This is a peer-run program in Newport, Kentucky, operating all its programs and services with Certified Peer Support Specialists on staff. It offers numerous groups both in person and on Zoom.

What is the Pier?


Requiring more of a substance to get the same effect; a result of repeated use.

What is tolerance?


The number of Americans who have a diagnosed opioid use disorder (think millions).

What is 2.1 million? It is likely, however, that a lot of people who would benefit from treatment are not receiving it.


This Olympic swimmer has 28 medals; he has been arrested twice for drunk driving which has prohibited him from competing in the past. 

Who is Michael Phelps?


This class of drugs slows the nervous system. High doses can slow the breathing center, leading to overdose and death.

What are depressants?


This group was founded in 1951 and is described as a "worldwide fellowship that offers a program of recovery for the families and friends of alcoholics, whether or not the alcoholic recognizes the existence of a drinking problem or seeks help.

What is Al-Anon/Alateen?


A strong, almost unbearable desire to use that can be triggered by stress, physical activity, particular environments, and reminders of past use.

What is craving?


The number of people worldwide who have a diagnosed alcohol use disorder (think hundreds of millions).

What is about 300 million? However, it is likely that many people who would benefit from treatment are not receiving it.
