Composite of the conditions, circumstance and influences that affect the employment of capabilities and bear on the decisions of the commander.
Operational Environment
Requires little maintenance, Hard surface, all weather route, Only closed during adverse weather, Adequate drainage system.
Type X Roads
Provides input to Commander for AOI
G-2/G-3 or S-2/S-3
Area of Operation
Contains the Area of Operations, Area of influence and Area of interest
IPB Step 1
Two types of LOCs
Main Supply Route (MSR) and Alternate Supply Route (ASR)
Concerning to the Commander, can extend into enemy territory, and is established by Commander with inputs from G-2/G-3 or S-2/S-3.
Area of Interest
Identifying Significant Characteristics
Commander can directly affect by maneuver or fire support that is inside and outside of the area of operations.
Area of Influence
Name four types of transportation facilities
Railways, inland waterways, ports and harbors, airfields
The staff identifies and defines these aspects of the enemy, terrain, weather, and civil considerations
Significant Characteristics
Area of Interest
Subordinate unit AOs that are not interconnected
Contiguous company AOs
Specific information needed for Ports and horbours
Capabilities, Capacities, Vulnerabilities, and items of military significance.
Improved Surface, all weather route, no waterproof surface, affected by weather and can be closed for short periods.
Type Y Road
Identifying Significant Characteristics
Name 4 of the 5 types of terrain
Mountains, Marshlands, vegetated areas, hydrology, and swamp lands
Name 5 Tactical Considerations
Overhead Obstructions, Reduction in Width, Slope, Curves, Ferries, Fords, Bridges, Terrain, Weather and Climate, Construction, Maintenance.
Name 4 climate related significant characteristics.
Requests to Fill Intelligence Gaps