Periodic Table History
Periodic Table Trends
Periodic Table Familes
History, Trends, Families and Light

Who is known as the "father of the periodic table"?

   a) John Newlands    

   b) Dmitri Mendeleev

   c) Benjamin Franklin  

   d) Antoine Lavoisier

Dmitri Mendeleev


What are the vertical columns in the periodic table called?

    a) Periods

    b) Groups

    c) Families

    d) Sections



Which of these elements is NOT an alkali metal?

   a) Sodium

   b) Potassium

   c) Argon

   d) Lithium



How do alkaline earth metals compare to alkali metals in terms of reactivity?

    a) They are more reactive

    b) They are equally reactive

    c) They are less reactive

    d) They are not reactive at all

They are less reactive


How did Dmitri Mendeleev come up with his idea for the periodic table?

    a) Through careful experimentation

    b) A recommendation from his wife

    c) In a dream after falling asleep while working

    d) By observing patterns in nature

In a dream after falling asleep while working


What was unique about Mendeleev's periodic table?

   a) It left gaps for undiscovered elements

   b) It arranged elements by color

   c) It only included metals

   d) It was circular instead of rectangular

It left gaps for undiscovered elements


Why do elements in the same group react similarly?

    a) They have the same number of protons

    b) They have the same atomic mass

    c) They have the same number of electrons in their outer shell

    d) They were discovered at the same time

They have the same number of electrons in their outer shell


 What is a common property of metals?

   a) They are all extremely rare

   b) They are good conductors of electricity

   c)  They have a strong odor

   d) They cannot conduct heat

They are good conductors of electricity


Which of these is a property of halogens?

    a) They are all metals

    b) They have 7 valence electrons

    c) They have 2 valence electrons

    d) They are inert and typically do not bond with other elements

They have 7 valence electrons


How does atomic radius change as you move across a period from left to right?

   a) It increases

   b) It decreases

   c) It stays the same

   d) It increases then decreases

It decreases because more protons in the nucleus pull the electrons in closer


Who improved the periodic table by arranging elements by atomic number?

   a) Benjamin Franklin  

   b) John Dalton

   c) Henry Moseley

   d) Antoine Lavoisier

Henry Mosely


What determines the number of shells or orbitals an atom has?

   a) The group it's in

   b) The period it's in

   c) Its atomic number

   d) Its atomic mass

The period it's in


Which group in the periodic table contains the noble gases?

   a) Group 2

   b) Group 19

   c) Group 17

   d) Group 18

Group 18


 What happens when an electric current is passed through a noble gas?

    a) It explodes

    b) It turns into a liquid

    c) It glows brightly

    d) Nothing happens

It glows brightly (Like Neon)


Which of these 4 colors of visible light has the highest energy?

   a) Red

   b) Green

   c) Yellow

   d) Blue



How many elements are currently known and included in the periodic table?

   a) 92

   b) 100

   c) 118

   d) 150



What does the atomic radius measure?

   a) The distance from the nucleus to the center of the atom

   b) The distance from the nucleus to the outermost orbital

   c) The total size of the atom including all electrons

   d) The size of the nucleus only

The distance from the nucleus to the outermost orbital


. How many valence electrons do alkali metals have?   

   a) 1

   b) 2

   c) 7

   d) 8



Which statement about noble gases is FALSE?

    a) They are stable

    b) They are highly reactive

    c) They have a full valence shell

    d) They are typically odorless and inert

They are highly reactive (not true)


In the 20th century, what new discovery was made about light?

   a) It only behaves as a wave

   b) It only behaves as a particle

   c) It sometimes behaves as a particle and sometimes as a wave

   d) It is actually made of tiny atoms

It sometimes behaves as a particle and sometimes as a wave


What information is typically NOT included in an element's box on the periodic table?

   a) Chemical symbol

   b) Atomic number

   c) Atomic mass

   d) Melting point

Melting Point


Why are anions (Negative charged Ions) larger than their parent atoms?

   a) They have more protons

   b) They have more electrons, causing increased repulsion

   c) Their nucleus expands

   d) They gain more shells

They have more electrons, causing increased repulsion


. What is special about metalloids?

   a) They have properties of both metals and nonmetals

   b) They have a strong odor

   c) They are the most reactive elements

   d) They are found only in Group 1

They have properties of both metals and nonmetals


 How many energy shells (rings) does a Krypton atom have?

   a) 2

   b) 3

   c) 4

   d) 5



Why is hydrogen NOT considered an alkali metal, even though it's in Group 1?

    a) It's too reactive

    b) It doesn't have similar properties to alkali metals

    c) It's not found naturally on Earth

    d) It only reacts when it’s in liquid state

It doesn't have similar properties to alkali metals
