Alphabet Soup
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What does SWPPP stand for?  Double points: Do you know what it does.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan.  Outlines actions a facility will take to minimize and prevent potential negative impact on stormwater quality.


What act gave the EPA the authority to implement pollution control measures?

The Clean Water Act


If a facility has stormwater discharge related to industrial activities, it must have a...what?  Double points:  Name 1 product & 1 chemical source of stormwater pollution.

Stormwater discharge permit.  Products:  Beans, Meal, Hulls, Dust, Veg Oil.  Chemicals:  Acids, Caustics, Oils, Oil filled equipment.


Name 5 typical oils onsite

Grease, lubricating oils, used oils, transformer oil, veg oils, gums, emulsifier, flavorings, additives, hexane, mineral oil.


Where does stormwater leave our property?

Cargill Creek, sanitary, or stormwater sewer systems.


What does SPCC stand for?  Double points: Do you know what it does.

Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure (Plan).  Establishes procedures, methods, & equipment for prevention, minimization, & response to oil discharges.

If a company violates the Clean Water Act, will it be a civil or criminal penalty?  Double Points:  who enforces the penalty.

BOTH - civil AND criminal penalties, enforced by the Department of Justice.


Name 2 things required by our SWPPP plan.

Facility diagram showing stormwater drainage, stormwater controls, stormwater pollution prevention procedures, and potential sources of stormwater pollution:  outdoor chemical storage/processing, outdoor loading/unloading, onsite waste disposal.


SPCC applies as a federal requirement for facilities that have total aboveground oil storage capacity of >_____ gallons OR total underground capacity of >_____ gallons AND are located such that an oil spill could reach a waterway.

How many gallons of total oil storage capacity does this facility have?





Why is the stormwater retention pond so valuable?

Spills can be collected, contained, treated, or disposed of without contamination of waterways.


What does FRP stand for?  Double points: Do you know what it does.

Facility Response Plan.  Addresses how a facility will respond to small, medium, and worst-case discharges of oil to the surrounding environment.


What type of sampling is required by our NPDES permit?

Stormwater sampling.


Name 3 potential sources of Stormwater Pollution

Loading / Unloading, Dumpsters, Meal Storage, Veg Oil Storage, Unpaved areas (soil erosion), Conveyor leaks.


True or False:  Oil storage is not ALL required to have secondary containment because we have an extensive housekeeping program.

Double points:  What are examples of our secondary containments?

False.  All oil storage MUST have secondary containment.

Concrete/steel containment structures

Contained by building

Largest tank +5" freeboard.


Where are the spill clean up materials located?

Emergency Shed


What does IPPP stand for?  Double points: Do you know what it does.

Integrated Pollution Prevention Plan.  Combines a facility's SWPPP, SPCC, & FRP plans.

As a part of the SPCC rules (Appendix A), why are we required to have an FRP?

We store over 1 million gallons of oil AND a spill could harm fish & wildlife sensitive environments.  (Other requirements that are not applicable to us are:  spill could shut down public drinking water intake, reportable spill 10k+ gallons in last 5 years, or have inadequate secondary containment).

Name 2 ways to prevent stormwater pollution related to outside storage and dumpsters

1. Avoid outside drum storage. 2. Cover outside dumpsters at all times. 3. Avoid outside equipment storage unless drained of fuel, oils, and liquids.  4. Trash dumpsters should contain only general trash.


What is the procedure for spill prevention during loading/unloading?  Double points if you get them all.

Check tank volume before filling, monitor to avoid overfilling, follow unloading procedures.

Check lowermost drain of tanker is sealed tightly before filling & departure.

Watch for leaks.  Keep spill response materials on hand.  Avoid outside deliveries when raining.  Be sure hoses are completely disconnected before tanker pulls away.  (Anything else??)


If a spill leaves the property, what waterway will it travel to?

Cargill Creek >> Floyd River >> Missouri River


What does EPA stand for?  Double Points:  Do we have individual SWPPP, SPCC, and FRP plans or do we have a combined IPPP?

Environmental Protection Agency.  We have a combined IPPP.


What is required by an FRP?

1. Calculate how far a spill could travel before it is discovered & contained.  2. Evaluate impacts within spill travel area.  3.  Determine spill response equipment & cleanup requirements. 4.  Plan for small, medium, and worst-case scenarios.  5.  Contract for spill response, if necessary.


How can good housekeeping prevent stormwater pollution?  Double points:  If you can name at least 1 way to prevent stormwater pollution when loading/unloading.

Housekeeping:  Maintain outside areas in neat, clean condition.  Sweep regularly, dispose of trash.  Promptly clean up drips, leaks, or spills.  Collect & remove trash & debris regularly.   /   Load-Unload:  Prevent drips, leaks, & spills.  Consider using drip pans with acids and caustics unloading.  Unload in designated areas, example:  hexane unload pad.


What do you do if there is a spill?  Double points for all 3 steps.

1. Check for injuries and safeguard life, then evaluate the extent of the spill.

2. Stop source & contain spill if ALL are true:  spill is small, you know what was spilled and are trained in proper PPE, & source of spill can be stopped quickly & safely.

3.  Contact qualified individual ASAP.  Don't wait!


Who are the Qualified Individuals for our site?

Chris O, Isaac, Jonathan
