The Scientific Method
Metric Melee
Atomic Structure
Properties and Ch-Ch-Changes
Trendy Periodic Table
GROW Brand fertilizer is claimed to increase the growing time of plants so that fruits are ready faster. Strawberries in Group A are given generic brand fertilizer, strawberries in Group B are given GROW brand fertilizer.

Identify the independent and the dependent variables.

Independent variable:The type of fertilizer Dependent: The speed plants grow
Convert 100 meters to dekameters (Dm) and decimeters (dm)
What are 10.0 Dm and 1000 dm?
Protons are located in this part of the atom
What is the nucleus
This type of change describes when the composition of the matter changes.
What is a chemical change
Atomic radius ______________ as you go down a group
What is atomic radius increases as you go down a group.
Ms. Nguyen studies the trend in terms of her level of concentration after drinking coffee. For each half cup that she consumes, her ability to concentrate on reading improves.

Which of the following describes the relationship between coffee intake and level of concentration AND WHY?
a) Direct relationship
b) Indirect relationship
c) No correlation

What is a direct relationship -- as one variable increases, so does another.
State what number each root word represents


What is are 1000, 100, 10, 1, 0.1, 0.01. 0.001?
Atomic number subtracted from atomic mass will give you this subatomic particle.
What are neutrons
This is one piece of evidence that indicates a chemical change.
What is change in color, production of gas, formation of precipitate (just needs to say 1).
What do you add as you go down each row. Hint: The Period number tells you how many you need to add.
What is an energy orbital
In the last 20 years, climate change has been tracked by scientists who have heavily recorded data regarding the phenomenon. Although new evidence is gathered constantly, global warming is considered a scientifically-accepted

a) Law
b) Model
c) Theory
d) Hypothesis

What is a theory?
Convert 3456.67 mm to km
What is 0.00345667 km?
This piece of information assigned to every element tells you the identity of that element?
What is atomic number
This term describes when any solid forms and separates from a liquid mixture
What is precipitate
The amount of energy used to remove an electrons is called:
What is ionization energy
Ms. Minor and her sister use the leading brand of shampoo. A TV ad for SHINE brand shampoo claims that SHINE can create more luster than the leading competitor. Ms. Minor decides to try SHINE while her sister continues to use their regular shampoo. At the end of 2 weeks of washing, the sisters compare their results.

Who was the control in this experiment?

Ms. Minor's sister (who used the regular shampoo)
How is the metric system more useful for science than the English customary system?
The metric system is consistent and built on powers of the number 10. The proportions from one unit size to another remain the same for mass, volume, and distance.
This experiment by Rutherford showed that atoms must have a positively charged dense center which contains most of the mass.
What is the gold foil experiment
This mixture of water has substances that are so evenly distributed that it is difficult to distinguish one substance in the mixture from the another.
What is a homogenous mixture
Ionization energy increases as you go from left to right because...
What is atom is smaller and has more hold on electrons so more energy required to remove.
Describe the difference between an observation and an inference.
An observation is undeniable data collected by using the 5 senses. Observations cannot be proven "false"

An inference is an educated guess about a phenomenon that is based on prior experience. Inferences can be proven "false" when more information becomes available.

What is density and what type of measurements do you need to calculate density?
Density is the measure of how much matter takes up a certain volume. D = m/v (mass/volume) or D = g/L (grams/Liters)
This scientist was responsible for debunking the prior theory by Bohr, who said that electrons are arranged in concentric orbits around the nucleus like planets around a sun. He discovered the Electron Cloud Model.
Who is Schrodinger
A ____________ is a heterogenous mixture that separates into layers over time.
What is a suspension
Besides ionization energy, atomic mass, and atomic number, what other trend increases as you go across a period?
What is electronegativity