Common heart defects & pathology
Broad diagnostics
Imaging of lesions
Treatment & management

This is the most common left-to-right shunt defect, which may present with heart failure later in life

What is a Ventricular septal defect?


What type of deviation on EKG is shown with tetralogy of fallot?

What is right axis devition? (indicates RVH)

(please refer to powerpoint)

What anatomical change is occuring with this classic CXR sign

What is right ventricular hypertrophy occuring in tetralogy of Fallot?


Double Jeopardy!!!

In a patient with transposition of the great vessels, what pharmacological intervention is indicated in order to prevent death?

What is PGE1 IV infusion? (vasodilation)


What antibiotic is given for prophylaixs in patients with congenital heart defects?

What is amoxicillin or clindamyacin


What is the role/function of the patent ductus arteriosus in utero

What is to bypass circulation away from the fetal lungs?


Upon ascultation of a pateint with tetralogy of fallot, you would find....

Harsh systolic ejection murmur and a single S2 (Right ventricular outflow tract obstruction, pulmonic stenosis)


(please refer to powerpoint)

What is seen her on CXR. Relevant history of maternal lithum exposure

What is Ebstein abnormality?


What can be gvien to treat hypoxia in a patient with tetralogy of fallot

What is oxygen, morphine, beta blockers, or squatting. Managing tet spells by decreasing stress


Exposure to what bacteria can lead to subacute endocarditis in a patient with CHD following a dental procedure?

What is strep viridans?


Associated with Turner's syndrome, this condition causes outflow obstruction of the left ventricle and aortic narrowing

What is coarctation of the aorta?


Tet spells include...

What are hyercyanotic, hypoxic epdisodes. Seen 2-4 months after birth.


(please refer to powerpoint)

What seen here on ultrasound is the most common cause of blue baby syndrome

What is tetralogy of fallot?


What surgery may be indicated for pateints with pulmonary valve stenosis or tetralogy of fallot

What is transcatheral pulmonary valve replacement?


What can result in a patient with tetralogy of fallot who isn't taking inotropic agents or loop diuretics

What is heart failure? (right ventricular hypertrophy)


For atrial septal defects, this is the most common and usually isolated finding

What is a ostium secundum defect?


Why does the knee-to-chest positioning help with cyanotic symptoms?

What is a decrease in leg blood flow causing an increase in systemic vascular resistance. Leads to decreased right to left shunting and blood flow throught the pulmonic valve, leading to an increased pulm circulation


(please refer to powerpoint)

What acyanotic condition is seen here?

What is coarctation of the aorta?


When and what is repaired in tetralogy of fallot?

What is the first year of life and VSD, enlagrment of the RVOTO, and creation of a shunt (if previous two fail)


Follow up care is crucial for tetrallogy of floow in order to prevent_____ complications/

Heart failure, arrhythmias, and neurodevelopmental impairment


In patients with Fetal alcohol syndrome, what type of heart defect would be associated

What is an atrial septal defect?


In pateints with tetralogy of fallot after birth, what is an expected abnormall CBC result and why?

Increased hematocrit, due to a compensatory effect leading to adpative polycythemia


(Please refer to powerpoint)

What pathology has lead to this finding on autopsy

What is trisupid valve atresia?


In the case with Mr. Hunt, what possible treatments are available if his new heart valve were to deteriorate?

What is open heart surgery and cather-based intervention?


What syndrome If left untrreated starts intially as a left-to-right shunt then transitions to a right to left shunt after right ventricular hypertrophy?

What is Eisenmenger syndrome?
