What direction would you travel from Lethbridge to get to Iqaluit?
Who were the first people in Iqaluit?
Inuit people
What did the Inuit do for food in the early days?
Hunt caribou and fish
What is a natural resource?
What is Arctic clothing made out of?
Caribou hide and seal skin
Find Iqaluit on the map
What is the Inuit language?
What are food costs like in Iqaluit?
A good is an item made by humans to use
What are some Inuit traditions? (hint: games)
Knuckle hop, kneeling jump
What territory is Iqaluit in?
What 2 languages do they speak in Iqaluit?
English and Inuktitut
Is food cheaper here in Lethbridge or in Iqaluit?
Cheaper in Lethbridge
What are some natural resources in Iqaluit?
Wildlife and plants
How did the Inuit make tools in the early days?
Animal tusks (Narwhal)
Find Nunuvut on the map
What did the Inuit live in in the summer and winter?
Summer: tent
Winter: Igloo
Why is food expensive in Iqaluit?
They have to import their food as they do not have the right climate to grow crops.
Name one specific natural resource in Iqaluit and what good it is used to make
Hunters sell caribou hides and seal skin
Fisherman sell fish to fishing companies
Soapstone is sold to artists
What animals live in Iqaluit?
Caribou, polar bear, walrus, seal, whale, narwhal, arctic fox
How would you get from Lethbridge to Iqaluit?
Drive to Calgary, fly from Calgary to Iqaluit
What did the Inuit use caribou for?